View Full Version : What a difference a day makes

08-01-10, 17:30
Hi all,
I joined this site yesterday and to be honest i was feeling pretty low, however I had a few messages yesterday of encouragement and it's nice to know there are others in a similar position to me.
Anyway today I went to see a Psychiatrist and I to say I was apprehensive is an understatement, but it went really well and it's nice to heear from a so called expert that I'm not insane or crazy. She is happy with the work i have done to try and get myself better. She has reccomended that I up my citalopram from 20mg to 40mg and she has suggested CBT, she also said she would suggest me to have something to help me get back into a regular sleeping pattern. I just thought I would share with you all today I have that friday feeling and I can now see some light at the end of a very long tunnel. I know I have a long road to get back to how I was, but today has been awesome

08-01-10, 17:34
glad it all worked out well. keep it up xx

08-01-10, 17:40
I'm really pleased for you Paul. Shows you how things can change from one day till the next. You're doing all the right things and sounds like you're on the road towards recovery!!:yesyes:

08-01-10, 18:08
congratulations paul so happy for you, keep up the good work, one day at a time .
love crissyxxxxxxxxxx

08-01-10, 21:44
We are all on that "long road" together, Paul.

margaret jones
08-01-10, 21:46
Great news Paul hope all goes well for you .

08-01-10, 22:01
Keep going Paul and well done :D

Vanilla Sky
08-01-10, 22:34
Good for you Paul , Welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

09-01-10, 22:38
Hi Paul,

It sounds like you're doing really well. :yesyes: I know getting into a decent sleeping pattern would help me but I just can't force myself to go to bed when I'm awake!

09-01-10, 22:49
Glad to hear that Paul ,:hugs:How you been feeling on your increase of meds ? I hope they will help you as much as they have helped me ,,Its not always a straight road getting there ,but your not alone Its always better when you have company and you will get there in the end .All the best Sue :hugs:

Veronica H
10-01-10, 00:27
:yesyes:great news Paul and glad you are now on the road to recovery.
