View Full Version : Eating OCD. & His Mother (Not Disorder)

08-01-10, 17:54

Let me just introduce my situation before i get started on my 'OCD?' i live with my fiancé and his mum mainly because i dont get on at my own home due to panic attacks bad atmosphere and anxiety. I do miss my mums home cooking and home is where the heart is but im not in a fit state to be there all the time right now. But my fiancés house has its up and downs..

We both share a single bed
His mum is smothering and we have no privacy
She treats him like a little boy
She will rush in his room get under his bed and pick up crumbs
She cleans his clothes
Shes just totally always there

the other day we went shopping for lingerie and when we got back i told my fiancé to hide it, but it was like she knew and she was on a mission, searching his room thinking she was being discreet and 'cleaning' and found it.

Shes just always there, but the thing what gets to me the most is her cooking. Shes one of them clean women but she rushes it so there will be tea kind of dribble stains on the outside of the cup and plates and bowls will be dirty. And its put me off eating here, ive tried eating the most i cant but i gag on my mouthfuls because im used to sparkling clean cuttlery and plates etc. Shes a lovely woman and made me feel welcome but i dont know what to do. I dont know if this is an OCD or what but i think i microscope things.

Im not sure anymore to be honest, at my home i have a double bed and i wash my own clothes i have my own privacy and i always can eat my mums meals without picking and finding gooey bits.. to make it more understandable. Have you ever gone to a friends house and eaten but your causcious of the dirty kitchen or.. if the person who cooked washed their hands.. you know when the food tastes different to the food your used to and it leaves your tummy turning like a washing machine.. im starving but i dont want to keep eating her food.

What do i do?

08-01-10, 20:16
couldn't you cook your own food? I always cook my own dinner at home but it started when I was 11 and became a vegetarian. you could always use that as an excuse.
or offer to cook dinner?
could your boyfriend keep is door locked?
because of your age his mum probably feels she has every right to be nosy!
my mums just as bad, wen i was young i tried locking my bedroom but she she broke the lock!