View Full Version : worried pain in both calfs

anx mum
08-01-10, 18:28
For the past week or so had pain in both my calfs:weep: this is not possible 2 have blood clot is it? So scared. My legs dont look swollen or anything just constant pain even when waking.

08-01-10, 18:34
hi bev. go 2 the docs hun or hospital i would if its bothering you so much look at me been up lots of times in 3 weeks and if i could id go again just to make sure but dont think the bf wud b pleased haha xx

08-01-10, 18:35
Sounds like muscle tension. I've seen people with deep vein thrombosis and its horrific you would definately know if it was that. One leg would be alot bigger than the other, bright reddish purple, very hot to touch and too painful to touch.

Try not to worry. I used to always worry about this until I saw it for myself. :hugs:

anx mum
08-01-10, 18:48
thanks kay and sammie no dosent look swollen or red just dull ache in both legs

08-01-10, 19:04
I was just wondering if you have been walking in the snow over the past few weeks because my legs are really hurting at the moment that has been brought on by strain on the muscles.

08-01-10, 20:46
Yeah have you been exercising or anything?

I have these cramps quite a bit from sitting for long periods of time. I have done simple stretching like touching my toes, etc. It really helps. Kind of like stretching before you walk or run...those kinds of stretches. I also do arm and chest stretches...that really helps to dissolve the tense chest pain I have from anxiety.

Hope you feel better soon. :D

08-01-10, 20:54

You know it could just be from trying to walk in this snow dunno how bad it is where you are but the muscles at the back of my calfs are hurting from trying to stay up right

Just a thought hope you feel better soon :hugs:

anx mum
08-01-10, 21:20
thanks guys has been going on a while now getting really concerned sitting in bed and got aching calfs.

08-01-10, 21:33
Do you have like a hot water bottle or heating pad? That might help. Do your legs feel tight?

anx mum
08-01-10, 21:44
yeah got a hot water bottle under them. No just both of them have got dull ache in.

08-01-10, 21:49
(((hugs))) bev xx

anx mum
08-01-10, 21:53
hi kel hows u? Dont know what the hell is going on x

09-01-10, 00:15
how odd. I have exactly the same thing, and I havent had it before either. I came on here to check it out.
Walking on ice/snow is a big possibility I suppose. I know it feels a bit like you would imagine DVT because its a really deep ache, you cant massage it because its nowhere you can touch.

Could it also be just what happens when we are stressed *and* our muscles are cold? I have a lot of aches, pains at the moment, arms, back aswell as calves.

anx mum
09-01-10, 10:23
woke up this morning with this pain in calf again had co codimol might ask doc to do didimar blood test mke sure its not dvt.

09-01-10, 10:28

It sounds like it could be muscular aches and pains, especially if you wake up with them in the morning. Also, have you been out and about in the last few days? My leg was aching again but I think it was because I was tensing myself up incase I fell on the ice!! Maybe this is what's happening to you? Please try not to worry too much, it'll probably go in a day or two.

09-01-10, 10:44
Hiya i think you should go to the doctors if it carries on just to be sure,i had a dvt last year.

anx mum
09-01-10, 10:58
Did u how did they diagnose u? Could u walk?

09-01-10, 11:07
I actualy had it in my groin,i had bad pain right at the top of my leg for about a week,i had a viral infection 2 weeks before so thought it might have been from that,anyway i got worse had to go to a&e and was diagnosed i had got one,they knew before they did a scan that it was one.But dont worry it doesnt mean to say you have one,but might be best going to the doctors to put your mind at ease.I ended up going to a&e cus my leg swelled up and i couldnt walk felt like i was dragging my leg,i also felt dizzy and sick.

anx mum
09-01-10, 11:11
can walk but pain is awful can docs tell by doing a blood test? Was urs there all the time mine is.

09-01-10, 11:19
yeah my pain was their all the time,yeah they do a scan and a blood test to tell if you have one,dont worry though,u mite not have got one,i have family history of them and since found out i have a clotting disorder.Even if you do have one they will get you on the right treatment,i had a clott in the worse place you can have in your leg,i was in a mess, it was very large!the calve isnt as bad aparently so dont worry!

i love tea
09-01-10, 11:32
Hi anx mum - please try not to worry. The symptoms of DVT include:

pain (may be made worse by bending your foot upward towards your knee),
warm skin,
redness, particularly at the back of your leg, below the knee.

By all means get it checked out, but I think you've said that you only have one of the symptoms, which means it's more than likely something else. It's also uncommon to have DVT in both legs.

It's probably something muscular - a strain or sprain - so to help ease it (and also to prevent DVT) it's best to keep moving. Gentle exercise, stretching etc.

Hope this helps :flowers:

anx mum
09-01-10, 11:47
did u av 2 go to a and e i hate hospitals or gps? Did anything make pain better? Could u put leg down then?

09-01-10, 11:59
At first because it was the weekend i went to the walk in clinic at hospital,but they sent me away sayng it was sciatica!a doctor didnt even examine me!was a nurse,at this point i felt so unwell,sick,dizzy had to keep sitting down cus felt faint,my leg felt really heavy!Got home i got worse so mum took me to a & e where they diagnosed it,my leg had sweled up twice the size of the other and was purple,they kept me in hospital.R painkillers taking the pain away?does your leg feel heavy?

anx mum
09-01-10, 12:02
leg isnt purple but painful legs feel weak does it feel like a cramping pain? Just sick of it now. Were u limping then?

09-01-10, 12:10

You haven't got dvt or a blood clot in both legs. You have tight muscles from tension that is what your feeling and dwelling on it will not allow the tension to ease.

09-01-10, 12:11
Yeah mine felt like a really bad cramp painkillers wouldnt take it off and i was awake during the night.I was dragging my leg it felt that heavy!why dont u ring nhs advice,and ask them their advice.Like i said before though i was one of the unlucky ones mine was really bad!because was in groin,im still under the hospital now!the treatment for one in the calve is different.

09-01-10, 16:14
Hi there,
You deffinately dont have blood clot, my mum had a blood clot in her leg and truly you would know for sure if you had one of those in your legs. Ive suffered myself with a random pain that I only get in my left calf this has been going on for nearly three years but im not concerned as it must just be a muscle strain or weakness that I have in that leg and if it was anything sinister Im sure I would know by now.. I know for sure it isnt a blood clot because of what my mums leg looked like with hers it was absolutely awful...I think its the same for you too you have either a pulled muscle, or just muscle tension..please dont worry it isnt anything bad im sure. Try to keep your legs warm in this cold weather.. Take care. x

09-01-10, 17:44
I just think anx mum needs to get it checked out to reassure herself!nobody can say for defo she hasnt got one,only doctors can say that!I have had one myself i had pain for a week never thought it could be that until i got worse.

anx mum
09-01-10, 18:08
Thanks pink been 2 docs theres a good chance ive got one doc said calf is swollen and pain been given treatment blood thinner and havin scan on monday scared. Pink can u pm me thanx

09-01-10, 18:21
Ive just sent u a pm x