View Full Version : please help

27-11-05, 11:39
hi, i wrote here last night and sori for writing again. But My "anxiety" has been really bad today, like i just cant take this anymore. I really dont know if what i have is just anxiety. Ok I have a few questions. When I have been sitting down and I get up my heart starts going crazy, pumping like mad like i have just ran a marathon. My body feels weak, like it is such an effort walking upstairs and Im only 20 years old, this cant be normal!!! Every time I get to the top of the stairs I stand there with my hand over my chest trying to feel that my heart beat is beating regularly. Right now sitting here I have this tightness where my heart is. i mean it is SO tight. And I feel like weird flutters in my chest aswell, and sometimes i get this weird feeling like maybe its a heart pulpitation, im not sure, but it feels like air is knocked out of me a bit when it happens.

Anyway if anyone feels the same, or doesnt think this is normal for just health anxiety or any suggestions it would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks heaps,


27-11-05, 11:57
It sounds very familiar to me!!

Have you been checked out at the doctors as this may help to put your mind at ease.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

27-11-05, 12:06
Ive been through the check your heart rate bit. My hand was constantly attatched to my chest. Palpitations etc. I just decided one day, a really tough day, that i'd had enough, i just let go,k what happens,happens. I just said stuff it. I was sick of having a thumping heart after having a little giddiness playing with the dog, just rollinground and having her chase me, i though i was having a heart attack! But i had read heaps about this and i know that your heart beat does sloe down eventually,more so when you try to ignore it (easier sai than done i know)
Hope this helps
Becci x x x

27-11-05, 12:16
thanks for your replies, yes I have been to a dr... well MANY dr's. but 99% of the time they just laugh at me and dismiss it STRAGHT AWAY as anxiety. I ask them to do tests and Ive had a few ECG's or whatever they are called and a chest x ray. But what if my heart is ok then but bad other times. This is really bad, i dont know what to do. I have been on like 100 different anti depressants, xanax, valium etc. I got so addicted to valium my dr suggested I go to rehab for it when i kept coming back for more scripts., but it was the only thing that helped me relax, but at the end it wasnt relaxing me anymore anyway so I got off it. Now I dont take anything, except rescue remedy (natural) and i carry lavender with me everywhere as it calms me down a bit. Does anyone know what tests I can ask a dr to do on my heart besides an ecg that wil tell if i have a problem? Im going so CRAZY with worry. My psychologist told me like a year ago that if i kept thinking i had a heart problem, then ill probly get one because of all the stress and believing it blablabla so now i think well GREAT. even if i didnt have a real heart problem back then, i probably do now.

[:P] i think i might go crazy if this doesnt stop soon, i cant live the rest of my life like this???
HAs anyone heard of anyone that has gotten better from this???
THanks again!!!!!


27-11-05, 13:18
hi, im new to this website too but last year i had three months off uni for panic attacks, i wasnt better when came back but i did it to get better. basically when i was at my worst point i felt exactly how you did. i didnt want to go on with another day, i was so low, i couldnt take day after day with this tighness in my chest, scared i couldnt breathe, and not being able to be left alone for a single second from fear of dying. what im saying is, i was so low that i would try anything, then one day i realised i hadnt thought about this thing for about a hour, then the next day 2 and so on. it used to be on my mind 24/7 and i think this was my main problem as i couldnt relax. one day i went with feeling so much better, until i realised it was a week then 2. im not saying it will go completly but it WILL get better. and remember its only YOU that can make it go away. i just think to myself if i dont try and ignore this its going to take over my life, and i CANT go back. the only way is up. when panic hits you, just say to urself (outloud or in your head) its just a FEELING it wont hurt me, its just a feeling, im normal underneath. i find it help me from panicking more, then after a few minutes it gone, because it will. it cant last more than a few mi utes, ur body cant take it. say to urself, its just a panic attack, it wont kill me! hope this helps


27-11-05, 15:54
Panic princess

Now that you have had the tests for your hearta nd teh experts say it is fine, at some point you need to accept that this is the case and get on with doing and less tiem checking it.

IF you were ill you would have additional symptoms anyway.

The heart speeding up when you move about is the natural and correct reaction to movement.

The palpitations are also everyday occurrances for most people - just that they don't notice them and people like yourself have a heightened awareness of them so notice every sensation which are normal but mostly hidden.

Accepting them as annoying but ok , dismissing them and ignoring them and surprising yourself by surviving another day is the way forward until you can tell yourself that they are non dangerous and actually keeping you going strong.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

27-11-05, 17:16

I know exactly how you feel. My obsession is with also with my heart. Everytime I go to the doctor, they tell me that I am fine, but I always think that they are missing something and are not looking hard enough. I have had blood test, ECG's, and chest x-rays, and everything always comes back normal, but I still think "what if" this time there is something wrong with my heart. Any new symptom that I become aware of, I automatically connect it with my heart. It is very hard to live everyday like this. We are constantly scared that our heart is going to stop at any minute and we will die. I have been on medication for about 2 months but am still suffering almost everyday with the "what if thoughts" and the constant checking of my pulse, heart rate, and breathing. I am sure that once we accept that it is just anxiety and our hearts are okay, we will be able to overcome this illness. If you ever want to talk I am MT1403@aol.com. WE CAN DO IT!

27-11-05, 20:51

yeh this is all normal im afraid.sigh. if youve been fully checked out then you do have to try, and i know its hard, to accept that its the anxiety and try to tackle ways of dealing with it. i feel like you at the moment. its not nice i know. its hard when your in that bad state. i found sometimes when i walked into my gp, all he seen was my anxiety and not me as a person. but thankfully iv found one now who is really good. anxiety has so many symptoms. thinking of you.

take care.

ptsd sufferer

lin x