View Full Version : sorry need help again

08-01-10, 22:00
I have missed heartbeats every day but today Ive had loads loads more, can this happen? some days worse than others? is really scaring me again. I feel bad because Im always needing reassurance or asking questions on here.

08-01-10, 22:02
Read this for reassurance:


08-01-10, 22:29

Today was my appointment with my gp after my 24 hour monitor. We discussed the 6000 missed beats. It's being left up to me about the medication for it but deep down I know if it's stress that's causing it well why would I want to take heart meds? I did say to my doctor that for about 5/6 days I had virtually no missed beats, then all of a sudden they've come back with a vengeance. So yes, they can vary from day to day, I think it's what gone on that day that makes the difference. So please, try not to worry too much about these missed beats - they are so common. Try to distract yourself and it'll help.

08-01-10, 22:53
Thanks again Myra. I'm trying so hard to except. I will get there in the end. Think it might be my hormones this time. X

Going home
08-01-10, 22:59
Hi ames

You're right when you say that hormones can be a reason for palpitations...missed beats, flutters etc. I had them mostly in the years leading up to the menopause, when we can get so many anxiety symptoms, but got them also during PMT and even during my pregnancies.

Hormones have alot to answer to for sure :mad:

GH xx :)

08-01-10, 23:03
I do most definitely get more then but today has been awful, just sooo many. still waiting for results of 7 day monitoring. I was told if it was bad I'd hear within 2 weeks but been 3 and a half but was Xmas now snow. Thanks again I do take in what you say and it has helped. X

Going home
08-01-10, 23:10
I know that it helps to read that others feel them too, but I also know that its still an awful feeling when you're having them, because you think that maybe yours are different somehow and that yours might just be the 'real thing'. We all know this negative feeling...and thats all it it a negative feeling. if the docs had picked up on a problem they would've contacted you before now believe it, snow or no snow!

GH xx :)

08-01-10, 23:41
Thank you all again! Xxx