View Full Version : Nervous Breakdown?

08-01-10, 22:16
Cna somone tell me what a Nervouse Breakdown is.
The "Nice man" said I had one last week, but i dont understand

Please help

Going home
08-01-10, 22:23
Who is the 'Nice man'? Generally speaking, you can't just have a nervous breakdown one week and be ok again the next. It can affect people in different ways, but the sufferer gradually loses their grip on reality and can say or do things that only make sense to them and not to those around them. People who are in the middle of a breakdown aren't really aware that its happening, since everything they do that might seem 'odd' to their friends and family or workmates just seems normal to the person having the breakdown. Its only when you're coming out of it with the help of treatment and time that you realise what has happened.


08-01-10, 22:23
What nice man?

You would probably not know if you had a nervous breakdown to be honest and would not be here asking what it was. What I mean is that you don't recover that quickly so I doubt very very much it was.

08-01-10, 22:34
A nervous breakdown to me means that you've reached the end of your tether where anxiety is concerned and you feel completely overwhelmed with your feelings. You feel that you are going mad, and there's no way back from here, but it's from here that you can only get better. It's when you can only actually start recovering, because you've been to hell and can go no further. Sounds awful, but that's how it was for me.

09-01-10, 00:45

I feel I had a small Nervous Breakdown in November 2006. Thats when this uncontrolable anxiety started suddenly after my wife was about to have our third child, My Dad was very Ill, I felt I was suffering with a heart condition and pop I could not sleep, I could not trust myself, I had to ask and check over and over if I had dropped the kids off at school. I could not remember things I had done Hours ago. I had a feeling of dread all the time. I lost loads of weight and stopped eating. I felt I had lost total control of my life and realistically I feel only better for may be 2-3 hours a day. Some days I feel fine but most I worry about health issues and I am totally convinced that bad things will happen very soon. Its wearing me out.

So Dont worry I dont think you have had a breakdown. Claire weeks describes a breakdown in her books and the only step I missed was finding myself in a psychiatric ward.

Dont Worry. You really would be finding it hard just to function.


09-01-10, 09:25
Some people flippantly use the phrase Nervous breakdown when they or someone else is behaving anxiously..A nervous breakdown can occur after enduring a period of prolonged and extreme stress/anxiety.I had a nervous breakdown several years ago and it took a good six months to a year with the help of medication and regular doctor visits before i started to recover and feel like i was able to live a normal life again..If you had had a real nervous breakdown it would last a lot longer than a week and your family and friends,colleagues would certainly notice it and you would require medical help even possibly have to be hospitalised.A full blown nervous breakdown is very different and very extreme to that of the odd feelings of anxiety/panic..It affects every aspect of your life, loss of apetite,inability to sleep properly,constantly worrying and every waking hour is like living in a your own private hell..

09-01-10, 09:28
Yes I agree with hopeless.

To me, a nervous breakdown is the point were you have the complete inability to function, make decisions etc.

Personally I don't like the term nervous breakdown, in true Claire Weekes fashion I
prefer to say nervously ill

09-01-10, 17:00
The "nice man" was a phytriactric doctor.

09-01-10, 20:32
hold on your only 14??

Going home
09-01-10, 20:36
Hi there,

Why did the psychiatrist tell you last week you'd had a nervous breakdown? when did he says he thinks you had it, when you were much younger?

10-01-10, 10:10
No, 2 weeks ago, i have 3 days of just mental breakdown. Im still getting back to "normality"

10-01-10, 12:20
2 weeks ago.