View Full Version : COULD I DO IT ?

27-11-05, 16:41
HI ,

My family tell me I should be teaching people "Jewellery making"
as its something I enjoy doing.
I have had many people asking me to teach them and I always say no, yesturday I got asked by a man if I could do seminar on it at his pottery outlet.............I froze and said no because I am not confident enough.
This really makes me sad because I could be earning myself a nice little number ....if only I had the confidence.
Today my family tell me they would come with me and support me on the lessons.....I find Im still so afraid yet at the same time really really want to do it and almost prove it to myself that I am a clever and confident person deep down.



27-11-05, 16:47

You'd be fab.

Love Piglet :D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

27-11-05, 17:01

I'm sure you could do it but for your wellbeing why don't you break this seemingly mammoth expectation down into manageable sections.

Perhaps just take on one student to start with or work with another instructor and concentrate on doing the practical bits rather than the talking theory bits or just do very short appearances to be watched rather than foirmal instruction.. I don't know how it all works and what is possible but try to build your confidence slowly and then soon you will be ready to take on a class.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

27-11-05, 17:58
hi ya,
of course you can do it. if you have something you can teach to others teach it. im sure you'll do just fine. and its very nice that your family is willing to come along and support you. you might feel better for it.
let us know what you decied to do.
take care,

27-11-05, 18:20
Hi why not JFDI I bet you will be fine once there, x

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

27-11-05, 18:22
Hi Mirry,
What an exciting opportunity for you and what a lovely supporting family you have!!! Yes, you can definately do it, take Meg's advice,and start gradually, good luck and keep in touch xxxxxxx

27-11-05, 19:45
Hi Mirry

Of course you can do it, believe me the teachng will give you confidence in your self. I am a teacher and i know what the feeling is like especially after a good lesson it will do wonders for your confidence. Go for it if your good at it and it could make you a few quid in return. If you need help with lesson planning just give me a buzz I will be only to glad to help you plan


27-11-05, 20:38
Remeber with positive thinking and by staying focused, we CAN achieve anything, you go for it and prove to yourself that you can do it mate.

Take care
Trac xxxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

27-11-05, 20:39
hi mirry

GO FOR IT. but yes take it slowly. xxx

take care.

lin x

27-11-05, 21:30
Like Meg said, break it down into small pieces for yourself. I'm like you facing something I fear and because I take things on in a big way (because people say, of course you can do it) that makes me run away. If I could do things gradually and build up, I know that I would achieve much more. You sound like you have a real talent and once you got going (slowly) there would be no stopping you. This time next year we could all be wearing your designs!!

Good luck and be brave:D

Jem xxx

28-11-05, 09:50
Thanks friends,
you have all given me a warm feeling of support and comfort:D.

I really know deep down inside this is something I must do (have talked about it for 3 years now ).The destructive side of my thinking keeps picturing horrible people at my lessons MAKING ME PANIC, the sort of people I wouldnt want to be around - sarcastic people I cant stick!
Then the positive picture is of me, full of confidence doing a job I love teaching nice people and earning decent money for once in my life.

Keith thanks for your offer of support, I need ideas on advertising and I will need to find a empty hall somewhere local.( I wish I could invite you all along) THANKS EVERYONE X


28-11-05, 10:48
hi mirry...
how exciting... sounds good to me :D
i think when we set our eyes on a goal and then go for it and achieve it it is the greatest buzz in the world because we know how hard we have had to work to get there...
of coarse you can do it but like meg and others have said just take it in stages... and do as much as you are comfortable with...
good luck and let us know how it goes

28-11-05, 13:47
Take some time to make a video in your head of you teaching a friend informally so you are full of confidence and then watch it again and again and build on that detail of being happy and confident and it all going well.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?