View Full Version : Need help please

08-01-10, 23:57
I have posted many times but I really need some reassurance right now! Since last night I have been getting some new chest pains right in the middle of my chest and also a bit on the sides of my breasts, it is hard to explain, almost like a stabbing pain but only lasts a second or two and goes away, also when I woke up this morning I feel like I never went to bed and I have absolutely no energy, I feel like a zombie. Also my other issue has been that I get breathless for no reason, I can be sitting on the couch and all of a sudden I feel like its hard to breathe, that also comes and goes and has been happening on and off for months, I have been telling myself its all anxiety, I just want someone to reassure me. The chest pain feels as though it could be a reflux thing cuz I have gotten horrible heartburn today and yesterday, but can heartburn hurt that bad and come and go with spasms or pain like that? I had many ekgs, echocardiogram, and stress test in june and recently had another ekg in november...i have also been told that i have costochondritis, is that what that feels like? Also had endoscopy last month and said i had esophagitis...and small hiatal hernia...please someone respond and let me know what you think...i just want to make sure its not heart related, I am constantly obsessing over my heart...also i am on metotoprol which is a beta blocker.

09-01-10, 00:01
hiya i get chest pain and pain in my left arm along with tingling in my fingers i also constantly obsess over my heart been to a n e 12 times in the last 3 weeks thinking im havin heart attack each time iv had an ecg and they assure me its anxiety and acid reflux which i find hard to believe i still think its my heart this as been goin on for 4 weeks and is driving me up the wall everyday i think im goin 2 die of a heart attack any minute. i really understand how u feel cos i feel exactly the same. i hope u feel better soon.

09-01-10, 00:13
where do you get your pain? is it intense pain? mine comes and goes but it is scary! i have had other chest pain before but this one is different...but it is sore/tender to touch afterwards. Thanks for responding.

09-01-10, 00:17
i get it in the middle of my chest and also the breast bone and in my left arm it scares me 2 i have it contiously coming and goin thru the day it can be a sharp pain or a achy feeling. how old are you if u dont mind me asking as ive spent alot of time in a n e im 22 and the doctors assure me its very unlikely for a woman to have an heart attack at a young age and heart disease is hereditary on the male side in my family the hosp say im lucky to b female and arent concerned cos of all the ecgs iv had.

09-01-10, 00:31
I am 31, and I have been back and forth with the heart thing for 2 years I thought I was doing well lately getting past it until last night cuz the pains are different, they are almost like a shooting pain that hurts real bad and then disappears but I am thinking its got something to do with reflux or something cuz after all this time I would think I would be feeling way worse maybe?

09-01-10, 11:22
i think if its been goin on for two years and u have had tests u will be fine. my dad died of an heart attach he got the pains and a week later he died so i think its something that happens quiet fast not lasts 4 two years.... hope you feel better soon x