View Full Version : Does Health Anxiety goes as far as your kids??

09-01-10, 00:34

I am going out of my mind worrying about the rubbish my kids eat. I have one son who swaps between sandwiches with either Ham, Cheese or Lemon curd and Fish fingers or Chicken nuggets. A son who eats Pizza, Pasta, Cereal. I know you may be saying that that sounds normal for kids in this day and age but I feel I am worried sick thinking they will be ill with the junk they eat Its all Processed muck. The worse thing is that I feel I am out of control as My wife who does the shopping cant resist buying this stuff over and over. She is over weight and cant see the problem in giving them things they will eat. The problem is I have a three year old who is seeing the food they eat and wants to copy them.

The more I say to her dont buy it the more she seems to buy it. She will use phrases like "when its gone its gone". I have tried educating the kids but they say that mum keeps buying it. I feel this is setting the foundations for the future.

I feel totally lost and worried. One side of me does not want to fall out with my Wife and the other is scared for my kids health. Am I over reacting???



P.S. May Be this is a General anxiety problem or can Health anxiety stretch to your family?

claire m
09-01-10, 08:43
hi meewah, i certainly believe my own health anxiety affects the children i unintentionally monitor them and my 9 year old is sensitive to how i am feeling this is a big issue for me as i remember my mum being like this with me as a child im currently having therapy and this is something im working on a lot.
I feel for you in your situation about your wife and the kids eating habits i try to make good balanced meals for the family but i know given the choice they would prefer chips!
Why dont you offer to cook a couple of times a week but make out you are doing it to give your wife a break and like you are giving her a treat :)
Then 1 evening when its quiet try having a chat with your wife about your concerns before it gets to the point of another arguement (been there got loads of t.shirts:blush:)
take care

10-01-10, 11:54

10-01-10, 17:18
my main anxiety is my children, i worry constantly over them, its wearing me out

take care

10-01-10, 23:23
I feel its the being out of control feeling thats worse. I cannot make them happy, Cannot force them to eat healthy, Cannot force them to exercise, I am not used to this. If I feel ill I do something about it. If I feel fat I exercise and eat healthier. With my kids I can only guide them in the right direction I cannot force them and the fact that they are only young and know best makes me feel like my lifes out of control.

My Life is my family at the moment...How do I rid myself of this loss of control feeling and more importantly how do I move on?
