View Full Version : Woke up panicy

09-01-10, 02:57
Ok ive just woke up and im panicing, i feel very short of breath and its all i can think about - i just think im going to stop breathing. why is it so hard to get it into your head that your going to be fine when your having a mini episode like this?

09-01-10, 03:28
You won't stop breathing. I have felt this many times over the years and I'm still here to tell about it! Are you on any medication that you can take?

If you can't get back to sleep, redirect your thoughts. Turn on the television, try to read or flip through a magazine. You will calm down. I promise!

09-01-10, 03:29
breath into a paper bag or cuo your hands around your nose and mouth, or hold your breath and count to ten slowly!
why does it scare you, because it feels real! even though your getting too much air it feels like your not getting enough.

09-01-10, 03:31
When im not panicing i just look back on the episode and think 'what were you freaking out over'. had the symptom alot so why am i still scared? I take beta blockers but thats it. I have got my tv on now and i am calmer than i was, i guess its just the irrational thoughts in my head making me fear the worst.