View Full Version : If I wasnt terrified already now its worse

09-01-10, 04:46
Ever since I had my hysterectomy t the beginning of October I have been terrified of having a Dvt. I have been to the ER atleast 5 times. I havent been overly active since the surgery and at the beginning of this week I hurt my back and have had barely any activity. So that of course intensifies my fears. I got word an hour ago that someone I knew from high school died yesterday from a blood clot in his lung. He was the same age as me 33. He had hurt his legs or knees in October and was in the hospital for 6 weeks I imagine with limited movement and now he is dead. So I am freaking out!!!! I dont know if he had any symptoms of a DVT or if the hospital didnt catch it. Its the same hospital that I have been going too so I worry that maybe they have missed it with me. He was only 33!!!! This shouldnt happen. He should have been given preventative medications in the hospital if he was confined to a bed or had limited activity. ARGHHHHHHH I am completely losing it now. I was starting to get alittle better and now I am much much worse.:weep::weep::weep::weep:

09-01-10, 16:15
wow, I am not sure if I am disliked on this forum or what but it is a rare occasion that I get a response. I was/am extremely upset and needed some advice or words anything and 20 something views and not a word. :(

09-01-10, 16:25
hi. iv never had a blood clot or anything but i think if u had dvt you would probably no about it especially if it was in your legs they would be badly bruised swollen and very painful, the only thing i can suggest is that you go to your gp or a&e and ask for a clotting blood test if you are that worried i had one of these three weeks ago cos i had bruises on my legs and chest pain it was negative and im sure yours will be to. the test will show if you have a clot in your lung or legs. do you have symptoms or are you just anxious about this condition? hope you feel better soon.

09-01-10, 16:29
I don't think you have DVT, someone posted a while ago saying that the ones below the knee are rarely dangerous and if the people at the ER had reason to believe you were likely to get it then they'd keep you in.
On rare occasions, DVT is missed but a fairly good way to check if you have it is to take the pulse in your foot. Your pulse will be fine.....if your foot isn't red and inflamed or blue and cold, it'll be fine.
From what I got told by the doctor, you have to be completely bedridden for a long time to get it.

09-01-10, 16:32
Hi, Alison,
From what I have heard, if you had a blood clot, you would definately know it. I'm sure the skin is very hot and swollen. With your hysterectomy being three months ago, I think you are past the time for a blood clot to have developed. Try to relax, hon. If you continue to stress, call your doctor for reassurance. But I don't think you have anything to worry about!

09-01-10, 16:35
Hi there,
funny enough ive just wrote on another post about DVT. My mum had a DVT in her leg and you woud know if you had one believe me...apart from the pain the leg is twice the size of the other one you cant really walk on that leg too, also the colour of the leg and feet...try not to worry you will be fine xx

09-01-10, 17:21
Thank you soooooooo much girls, his death has scared me so much

09-01-10, 17:26
your welcome any time u need to chat or are just worried about anything feel free to message me. keep your chin up and try not to worry easier said than done i should no :)

09-01-10, 17:33

Thousands of people go into hosptal with leg injuries and don't end up dying. Your friends situation sounds very much like an unfortunate and very rare example.

Please don't worry.