View Full Version : Posting again, sorry :l

09-01-10, 06:59
I feel awful for posting so much, but low and behold I'm home by myself while my boyfriend is at work and my mind is wondering and I just need someone to talk to. My leukemia fears are getting out of control, I've had perfect blood work twice in the past year but I just can't stop. I'm constantly examining myself because I have it in my head I look "pale" all of a sudden and I had that cold last week, which I'm now over..thank god. But I can't help but worry. Realistically I know I'd probably have other symptoms if I was dying from AML but I feel like I am just WAITING for one to happen. Like, I'm waiting on a bad nosebleed, or thousands of unexplained petechiea. It's scaring me. My mom and both boyfriend won't even speak with me about it because it's basically a load of crap with them because we've been over this so many times. I think this is the sixth. You'd think I'd learn, but I haven't. I can't kick the feeling that it's REAL this time. I get over one thing and it's another. I just got over my spinal cord tumor fear that went on for 5 months, and I don't think I can do another 5 of this.
): Someone help :weep:

09-01-10, 17:06
I am sorry you are suffering so much with your anxiety. I know how difficult it is to shift a thought once it takes hold, and how hard it is for other people to understand our thought process, which can make us feel so isolated.

I wonder if you have been to your doctor and had a chat about the way you are feeling; counselling can help us learn to change our negative thought pattern, and for some people it is a great help.

If you possibly can try not to examine yourself, because it just feeds the anxiety. You will be surprised how quickly the level of anxiety reduces once you limit the number of times you check. Hard, I know - it is like trying to kick an addiction.

There are plenty of people here who can relate to the way you are feeling, so I hope you will find some comfort in knowing we understand and will try to support you.

09-01-10, 17:19

Have a look at this website and see if it helps.

www.glasgowsteps.com (http://www.glasgowsteps.com)

09-01-10, 18:16
That is a great site, Utility. I have bookmarked it. Thank you.:)

09-01-10, 23:39
Hi i know how you feel over the last ten years i have had health anxiety which seems to strike every year for about a month or so iam going through it now .I feel the same my doctor and my family tell me iam okay but i carnt get it throught to my self you think i would have learned by now but no and i know what you mean when you say it may be Real this time thats what i think every time. In the last ten year ive thought i have had all sorts wrong with me and gone for all sorts of tests its hard to stay positive when your head feels this way just try and think of other things and dont go looking for thing wrong with you on the internet as this makes you worse it just increases your anxiety keep your head up and think positive.

10-01-10, 01:22
No problem Corinne. I hope the information on the website is of help to you.

Best wishes,
