View Full Version : Pain when laying down

09-01-10, 08:48
It seems when I try to sleep at night my legs and hips really ache and I can not sleep. I try different positions but it does not seem to help. When I am up and walking around it seems to be fine :(

If I do get of to sleep the pain wakes me up, it is like a deep ache in my legs and hips.

Any ideas?


09-01-10, 10:32
I have this at the moment but I've been told I have fibroids and this could be the cause. Sciatica can also cause these symptoms. If it continues then see your gp, who'll probably send you for an x-ray. Or it could be one of these things where it disappears and there's no explanation - I hope so!

09-01-10, 16:21
Hey there,
Me too I sometimes get this and I think with me its Sciatica I did a couple of simple exercises that I actually found on the internet and its much better also have just got a new bed as my mattress on my old bed was awful too so hopefully this will help. I was the same as you no pain during the day but in bed my legs and hips were really hurting me, at the moment all is ok with me hope it carrys on...also hope you feel better soon too. take care x

09-01-10, 17:59

Sorry to hear your leg/hip pains are making it difficult for you to sleep. I often get muscle pain, which has been attributed to anxiety, in my lower back and chest.

I find heat works well on muscle pain, try putting a hot water bottle under your hips, or some deep heat cream, maybe that will help to alieviate the pain.

09-01-10, 18:47
Thanks for you answers, I am going to try the hot water bottle tonight. And look up the exercises. My legs have started to ache again, maybe I have RLS.

Will let you know how I get on.

09-01-10, 20:41
Hi there,
I sometimes suffer with RLS...but i dont think you actually feel pain with that its more of a weird creepy feeling that you get in your legs and arms sometimes, you feel you cant keep them still and have to keep moving them...i sometimes get this when i have anemia..