View Full Version : Tired of this..............

09-01-10, 10:59
Hi Guys

Sorry to post again but it was either this or google and i really don,t want to google

Could all my stomach problems really be from IBS? i feel sick after eating straight away i still have this annoying left side/back pain that does get better with cream or paras i have a constant burning in the back of my throat like acid is stuck there i also struggle to go toilet i have had that H Polyi test last thurs but my doc thinks i don,t have that just wants to rule it out if i don,t have it have i got to live like this forever?

Thanks Guys :weep:

09-01-10, 11:27
your not alone i am same its my stomach that starts my amxiety

09-01-10, 11:36
Hi Gypsywomen

Thanks for your reply it is so annoying isnt it?

It is constantly on my mind i find myself thinking this is real i am not imagining this sorry you feel the same :hugs:

09-01-10, 11:55
its the worst feeling dont worry think we all have it at sometime

09-01-10, 13:48
I also suffer this as well 1 makes the other worse had every test known to man still say its ibs

09-01-10, 16:40
I learned in psychology that one of the first things stress affects is the digestive system. It basically slows it down, so the more worked up you get, the worse your digestion will be. Sickness is also associated with anxiety.
You might have a food allergy....I found out I have a dairy intolerance after I ended up with similar symptoms, so maybe try and see if any particular food triggers the reaction....otherwise, it could just be stress.
I got a pain in the left hand side of my stomach for a long, long time and it turned out that was just because I wasn't eating properly (not being able to go to the toilet will cause that pain).
As for the burning throat, I'm not sure....but it could also be an allergy.
My advice would be to try and find out if certain food-groups cause this, try and relax a bit and try and eat more greens (because that worked for me).