View Full Version : Silly quiestion about meningitis

09-01-10, 13:03
Someone I know got meningitis on boxing day and on xmas eve I had waved to them across a room so no close contact at all and only in the house for 2 minutes BUT today I have got a headache - most likely due to my damaged neck as this gives me headaches and wierd pressure sensations in head when I have done too much.

My silly question is do you always get a temperture with meningitis???
The logical part of my brains says that I would be very ill with high temp - the person I know collapsed after two days of bad headaches and his meningitis was probably caused by a previous bad infection in him that had spread to his brain - he is now recovering thanfully.

If I didn't know this other person then I would not think meningitis but of course health anxiety has kept this worry to the fore.

09-01-10, 13:12
yes you would i shoudnt worry if you are concerned ring docter jut to check x

margaret jones
09-01-10, 16:00
You would certainly have a temp like you said it is prob from your neck prob , why not ring the NHS helpline for advice
take care Margaret

09-01-10, 16:31
A friend of mine had meningitis and it doesn't sound like you do. She had a horrible temperature, aching joints, light sensitivity....it was awful....you're fine, completely fine.

09-01-10, 21:57
Thankd everyone - I know I was being silly- my headache went away with painkillers! You are all correct about the other symptoms - my friends son also had vomiting , light sensitivity and temp and ice cold hands and feet.

I'm getting weird sensations of tightness in head like wearing a tight hat or as if someone is suddenly pressing my face in:mad: or that a large caterpillar with clogs on is walking up and down my temple and thats all from my damaged neck nerves.