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27-11-05, 20:09
Is it just me............?? or do other anxiety sufferers,particularly those with health anxiety feel that every normal bodily function is amplified tenfold, even down to normal passage of food through our bodies from mouth to well the end product, every spasm felt by stomach/bowel and then does anyone else start to focus on it and before long you have symptoms of a disease in that area which increases the stress which increases the sympoms....please tell me that it isnt just me who is full of despair with this

I just want my life back

27-11-05, 20:54
hi nell,

no its not just you. i feel like that at the moment but i know my anxiety is very high. and all the silly thoughts go through my head but i try to quickly push them aside and not dwell on them. try keep your self busy if you can.

take care

ptsd sufferer.x

lin x

27-11-05, 22:43
Its defo not just you Nell.

I'm exactly the same.


Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

27-11-05, 23:43
Ohhh Neil, definitely not just you...

I don't mean to sound disgusting but I've even analysed what I've passed before incase it had any blood in as I'd created such a sore stomach right through to abdomen due to anxiety.
You are definitely not alone by a long shot!


28-11-05, 02:28
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is me!!!!!

I have health anxiety too and I really think I'd be alot happier if I wasn't so overly in tune to my body. It takes great effort to ignore things that are really normal sensations... like an achey body part or a stomach cramp. I think this is typical for someone with health anxiety!

Hang in there!!


28-11-05, 05:40
Iam in the same boat!!!My bowells are messed up my stomach makes noises right after i eat..

28-11-05, 18:04
thanks folks that really helps i seem to be focusing on stomach and bowels at moment therefor notice everything in that department so now convinced that i have bowel or stomach cancer....grrrrrrrrrrr

I just want my life back

28-11-05, 19:51
Yep I'm like that, I notice/panic about everything!

21-12-05, 11:17
Hi Nell

I'll join the many replies. I do that all the time. Its never an ache its always thrombosis or something worse. It would be funny if it wasn't so scary at the time.

Try to distract yourself. I either watch tv, read my book or turn on my walkman. Its helps distract my brain and I realise I'm not about to die after all. :)
Its definitely not just you.
Lisa. x

21-12-05, 12:10
hi nell

I'm the same too your not on your own with this it's a horrible thing to have i try to distract myself if i can which can be hard, try not to worry to much

linda xx

22-12-05, 22:12

Your not alone, I'm so in tune with my body it scares me. I monitor every little change and analyse everything. I am a long term sufferer of aniexty but relatively new to health aniexty and so far this is the worst aspect of aniexty I have experienced. I spend 99% of my waking life trying to convince myself I am not dying from a terminal illness. Just when I get over one illness I decide I have another, often different types of cancer. It makes life so miserable. This illness is soul destroying. I woyuld do anything to be rid of it.

Stay strong x