View Full Version : Meet up Norwich/Norfolk

09-01-10, 17:26
Hi - I dont know what to say lol really need to get out and meet people and would like to meet others in the same situation - Ive had agoraphobia/anxiety since 2001 but Ive got to a point in life where I need to sort myself out,I cant keep living the way I am.....

If anyone is interested drop us a line:hugs:

15-01-10, 20:32
Hi all,

The "Way out society" is based in Norwich & meets every other Wednesday. It is a very relaxed get together of people who have been through, or continue to suffer from anxiety e.c.t

Visit: http://norwichanxiety.org/index.html (http://norwichanxiety.org/index.html) for more info.

I have been along on many occasions. It's Very Good, I’d highly recommend it.



24-08-10, 15:14
Did you attend this group?? What sort of people go, i've thought of attending for a while, and besides from not attending because of anxiety, I just feel worried they'll all be middle aged ( no offence to the middle aged, I just don't want to be ludicrously out of place!)

26-08-10, 20:40
I am near diss and would love to meet people like me,i have anxciety and panic attacks

02-03-12, 20:46
Hi there,

I'm hoping to make a short film to raise awareness about Agoraphobia. It would be great to speak to someone in the Norfolk area.

Is anyone interested or if you know anyone who might be, could you contact me on ke_hitch at yahoo dot co dot uk

I'm hoping to film this weekend (Saturday 3rd or Sunday 4th March) if possible.


Kate Hitchen.

27-08-12, 12:56
I am in desperate need of meeting like minded people in Norwich
Does anyone go to the Way out Society meets?
I am really nervous about attending as I find it hard meeting new people.

27-08-12, 14:27
Has anyone got an email address to contact the organiser of the Way Out Society? I couldn't find one on their website. I'd be interested to know more about them as I live in Norwich.

12-09-12, 09:15
I couldnt find an email address but I have the lady a ring (which is quite brave for me) and she seemed really lovely.
Still havent plucked up the courage to go to a meet but hopefully soon

Mr T
17-09-12, 12:31
I didn’t realise there was that many members from Norfolk on here (I nearly referred to us as Norfolkers, then noticed it sounded rude – ha ha).

18-09-12, 21:32
I couldnt find an email address but I have the lady a ring (which is quite brave for me) and she seemed really lovely.
Still havent plucked up the courage to go to a meet but hopefully soon

Speaking on the phone is one of the main things which makes me anxious, so it seems kind of ironic that an anxiety group can only be contacted by phone! :roflmao:

---------- Post added at 21:32 ---------- Previous post was at 21:32 ----------

I didn’t realise there was that many members from Norfolk on here (I nearly referred to us as Norfolkers, then noticed it sounded rude – ha ha).

I personally refer to us as Norfolkians! :D

21-09-12, 16:33
I'd love to meet up with someone. Might go to Way Out.