View Full Version : What do I tell people?

27-11-05, 20:15
I've just started having panic attacks for the first time as an adult (used to have a few during my early teens) - I don't know whether or not they're going to become a regular occurence. I'd be so grateful for some advice on how to deal with them. As yet, I haven't developed agoraphobia, but what's concerning me is this: If I experience a panic attack in the company of others (especially people whom I don't know well) what am I meant to say to them? I was at my music course tonight and during the last half hour or so, I began to feel extremely anxious. While I didn't project myself as being 'in a panic' I know that the other students must have perceived me as being vacant and unfriendly. This really bothers me because that's not my usual personality at all. But if I were to say to someone ' I'm sorry if I seem a bit distant, I suffer from anxiety/panic attacks sometimes' could they handle it? Would it be better to say nothing at all and have people get a very false impression of me? I feel so lost and confused :(

27-11-05, 20:28
Hi Tam,

When I first suffered I tried to hide it, but in the end I decided that if I had a broken leg I wouldn't be able to hide it, so I began to tell people.

You will be surprised at how understanding people are, and it is a lot easier when you don't have the added pressure of trying to hide the way you are feeling, if you do feel anxious when around other people.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

27-11-05, 20:35
I always think its best to come 'clean', although I'm sometimes wary of not over-broadcasting it.

You will be very surprised of the number of people who come up to you afterwards and say "I know what panic attacks are like from bitter experience".

Its so common to hide them, and that is part of the reason why people dont understand them and sufferers feel so alone.

Be Strong,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

27-11-05, 20:44
hi tam

for myself i find hiding it is not a good idea. it is best to come clean and you will be suprised at how supportive ppl will be. keeping things in i find only adds to probs and also it makes ppl understand when you are having a bad day. you dont have to go into great detail with everyone.

take care.

ptsd sufferer.x

lin x

27-11-05, 20:53
Hey Tam,
I too had questioned this at one point...then realized i didn't care about what people thought. If they accepted me for who I was, they'd have absolutely no problem. I tell people left and right, even when not suffering from a panic attack at that current moment...You actually do find that people are REALLY Understanding, and infact a lot of people relate. Most people I've talked about it with actually told me that they've had panics as well, perhaps not as frequent...but people do suffer from one or two in a lifetime..Don't you worry darling...I'm sure they'll accept you for you really are, and not for something you suffer from... :) I hope you feel better....I go through such horrible attacks everynight non stop, and several times a day everyday...If you ever need to talk perhaps we can share some advice...take care love


27-11-05, 22:41
Hi Tam, I used to hide it but once some friends witnessed a severe one and remained friends I began to tell people ,as all the others say, people are so understanding.

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

27-11-05, 23:09
I told those that I felt comfortable telling. It was based on a bit of a "need to know" basis for me.

One thing. When you do tell people, you might just be surprised by how many say that they have personal experience of them or know others who have had them! Many people cover it up and sometimes it's those who appear most confident!!!

It's nothing to be ashamed of and you know who you will feel happy telling.

Good luck, :D


28-11-05, 06:26
hi tammy,

i usually say im feeling anxious in similar situations, i find it helps me to get a better grip - for want of a better phrase lol. you dont need to justify it to anybody and tell them all your personal ups and downs either and hopefully it will help with not creating false impressions. keep your chin up, good luck .. take care andrew

28-11-05, 09:15

At first only my best friend and my family knew but gradually I have started to tell people that I trust and have found out that a lot of the people I tell suffer too. That makes me feel a lot better about it knowing that I'm not the only one and that I can talk to other people about it if I start to suffer. It's funny how you assume that everybody else is ok and that you are the only one suffering until you start talking to people about it.

Take care

Emma x

28-11-05, 09:38
Boy this is a tricky one and one I have mentioned in threads from time to time.

I am now finally after 6 years beginning to be able to mention it to people. Obviously when it first happened my family and close friends knew. It is just that I have spent the bulk of my life being a 'strong coper' sort of person and for some reason I hate people feeling sorry for me and hate being ill in front of people, so I didn't want anyone to know or mention it.

I have now come to the conclusion that one of the reasons the anxiety is a problem is because I am spending so much time hiding it.

I am gradually mentioning it where necessary and for me this is a part of accepting it. I think I want to say to people that I have a faulty adrealine system which means I can occasionally over produce adrenaline giving these symtoms. I'd rather say I have adrenalinistus (no such condition obviously) than say anxiety/panic attacks but I am working on it!!!!

Hopefully society is becoming more and more educated on these issues and maybe soon we won't feel we have to hide it.

Anyway, after all this rambling the conclusion is, it's best to be open about it!!!

Love Piglet :D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

28-11-05, 10:04
I have been alot happier since I have told everyone I know,
If I go into panic everyone is very understanding and patient.
I hate any type of secret and will not be ashamed of myself anymore.

Infact I think panic attacks have made me a nicer person because when I go out with my hubby in the car and he moans about the car in front driving too slow, I remind him that we dont know anything about that persons life, they may of been suffering anxiety for years and today have woke up and decided they are going to get back into the drivers seat (the last thing they need is someone moaning at them).


28-11-05, 10:35
I tried explaining at first but now i just tell friends I'm "mentally ill" and they laugh it off

Don't believe everything you think.