View Full Version : bleeding nose

09-01-10, 20:06

On Friday I woke up with a lot of dried blood in my nose when I blew.

Then today about 1pm I went to wipe my nose and noticed a bit of blood, Not dripping out but just on the tissue.

Now it feels like someone has punched me in my nose, I havent banged it or anything but it feels like I have been punched right there. It also is starting to get all blocked up and hard to breath through.

Does anyone know what this might be or experienced anything similar?


09-01-10, 20:06
had to reply as I was on 13 posts and I am supersticious (spelling) sorry lol.

09-01-10, 20:19
when i wiped my nose today i had the same thing it wasnt a nose bleed just abit of blood on tissue. i dont no what it could be are u on any meds?

09-01-10, 20:23
I get this quite often, especiallly at this time of year when going from the warmth inside and then out into the cold. The nasal passages are quite delicate and get swollen, so become prone to bleeding, especially when blowing hard. I panicked about this and was reassured it was quite normal.

09-01-10, 20:24
thanks nikkinoo.

09-01-10, 20:28
maybe it's just a few burst blood vessels from having a cold and blowing your nose?
ive known lots of people who get full blown nose bleeds and they have always been ok afterwards.
the aching might just be sinus, but if its bad your doc can give you antibiotics.
I do remeber when i was young having lots of dried blood in my nose due to have a cold.

11-01-10, 10:26
Ya I get this from time to time. It seems worse when I use nasal sprays like Vicks and even the stuff the doc prescribed. So I stopped spraying and it all but cleared up but still occaisionally (sp) I get small amounts of blood, small spots mostly. Just try to blow your nose more gently I guess.:)

Cell block H fan
11-01-10, 17:37
I had this the other morning, when I woke up. So obviously I hadn't touched my nose all night! But I gave up smoking new year, & had been on a night out, with a bit too much booze the night before! I wondered if it was to do with blood pressure or the giving up smoking? Who knows (pardon the pun hehe)
I always have what I call winter allergy though, this time of year. Always have sneezing fits not long after getting up, quite a lot of congestion. But goes by the time the weather picks up. Maybe its mostly the climate at the moment! :-)