View Full Version : Can't cope anymore

09-01-10, 20:32
I feel so low at the moment. Every single pain, tingling in my head or in fact anything to me is fatal. It has taken over my life. I get good days but go back. I suffer from SAD so I always feel worse in the winter and dark days. I have huge things going on in my life and I am so worn down from everything.

My most recent problems are worries about blood clots, and head issues. I regularly feel like my eyesight is blurred, particularly on one side. I have had horrible headaches, feeling of pressure in my head along with tingling and lots of dizziness. A lot of neck pain and general aches and pains everywhere else.

I am not on any medication, I tried some once and it made me worse, I couldn't cope with the side effects. I constantly worry also about brain tumours, breast tumours all the things you mention on here.

I just feel so low, distant from everyone, like this is all a dream. I worry I am going mad.

09-01-10, 20:39
i no how u feel hun i have constant worry over my heart its affecting my every day life now and it doesnt help havin chest pain and left arm pain constantly. hope u feel better soon x

09-01-10, 20:49
I think I am just so worn down with absolutely everything. I am more prone to worrying about my health when I get this low and I can't see a way out and I am worrying so much about some of the things I said

09-01-10, 20:51
Hi there, sorry to hear you are not feeling so good. I have had the same sort of feelings for the last few months and have gone all in trying to find out what's wrong. It's not easy and I seem to be looking for a quick answer to so many symptoms as I feel I am running out of time. But after looking on this NMP website, I did make conncetions with the symptoms I am feeling and the fact that I probably do have anxiety/panic attacks. But then again it's easier to say that than actually feel that. I sit and my head races with very twinge I get! I'm still here though. I know this won't really be of much use but try and stay positive.
Take care x

09-01-10, 20:54
most of the things you have described are symptoms of anxiety so i would try not to worry to much, thats rich coming from me whos constantly worrying haha i should practice what i preach really. i would go to the doctors for a full check up if it will put your mind at rest. i have been up at a&e 14 times in the last 3 weeks thinking im dying of heart attack after many ecgs and bloods they assure me my hearts fine but i still feel they have missed something and come home and worry again. its like a viscious circle if you ever need to chat or just express your concerns then pm anytime and i will try my best to reassure you that your fine.

09-01-10, 20:54
I am trying, sometimes I feel I am making progress then I am caught offguard and it starts again. I feel so stupid

09-01-10, 20:58
dont feel stupid i feel like that constantly you have no reason to feel stupid you didnt choose to live like this none of us did.

09-01-10, 21:58
Hello, I also know what you are going through i have the same weird head tingles ,aches and pains,every little sign of anything i think i am dying.But it is the dreaded anxiety i live with,you think eveything is going along smoothly then bingo here we go again.I worry over everything,i think my fear is fear itself,but as i have been told 1 day at atime..........I know you will be ok..........all the best,take care........Ronny:)

10-01-10, 19:58

Even know I am worried about dying suddenly. A pain in my head is a blood clot...right now I am worrying and don't know how to deal with it. Tempted to google risk of blood clots.