View Full Version : weak legs

09-01-10, 22:42
Hey guys,

I have had PA's for eight years and just started getting this symptom a couple years ago. My legs get so weak I feel like I can't stand on them. Then I start thinking I'm having a stroke and I go into complete panic mode. I also have recelenty started getting dizzy. I have had all kinds of test and they say nothings wrong with me. Damn the mind is powerful.

10-01-10, 00:47
can you stand up and walk even though your legs feel weak?
do you think it might be caused by anxiety, the jelly legs sensation?
I get weak legs when I'm anxious and then a milder sensation of weakness when I'm ok .

10-01-10, 01:18
Yeah... that was one of the first symptoms i would feel when having a PA. I remember sitting in the cinema when i had my first full on attack. My legs felt terrible and i so desperately wanted to get up but i wasn't sure if my legs would carry me!

The stroke thing is your own "cross to bear", as it were! We all have something that gets to us - this seems to be yours. All i can say is that it is highly unlikely that you will ever have a stoke whilst in the grip of a PA and that you WILL be OK once it is over!


11-01-10, 16:06
thanks yall, good to know I'm not alone!!!!

11-01-10, 16:22
Dr.Claire Weekes says in her book that "jelly legs will always get you there!" I know it's a horrible feeling and you wonder if your legs will give way, but it's only a sensation caused by anxiety. I remember many years ago being told my son had a rare genetic condition and that the doctor didn't know if it was life-threatening or not - when I stood up I'll never forget the sensation I had in my legs - they were actually trembling with shock - but I still managed to walk downstairs and get a taxi home, so it was only a sensation. Try not to worry about it too much, you'll come to no harm.