View Full Version : Does anyone else get Hallucinations?

10-01-10, 04:27
i dont mean 'bad thoughts'
i mean full on halucinations of vile things?

its not down to medication because im off them
and i hate it... so so so much!

If anyone does get them, can you help me please ='(

10-01-10, 16:01
How long have you been off your meds for vickie

11-01-10, 01:38
what kind of hallucinations? visual/auditory/?

11-01-10, 04:42
sorry to hear that, i dont suffer from this, thank goodness but i think they will go away

11-01-10, 13:10
I think you should see the doc about this as from what I know you don't really get hallucinations from anxiety. Do you suffer from bipolar or anything like that?

11-01-10, 14:53
Hello Vickie,

Yes, I'd see your doctor. It maybe wasn't the right thing to do coming off your meds. Sometimes these can keep all these horrible symptoms from happening. What's taking a pill a day in comparison to stopping having these horrible symptoms.
Myra :hugs:

11-01-10, 15:00
some meds can cause it

11-01-10, 21:39
I came off my meds a fair while ago,
there visual hallucinations or really horrible graffic things ='(
i got them when i was on my meds too, then they went away, now they're back
i've got nightmares too but they never really wwent away ='(

11-01-10, 21:50
Hi Vickie, are you feeling down at the moment? I remember when I felt at my worst I didn't have hallucinations but when I closed my eyes to go to sleep I could see horrible pictures in my mind's eye. I was obviously depressed and this was causing the gloomy images. Why don't you speak to your doctor about them.

11-01-10, 21:56
i'm always down, not been diagnosed with bipolar or anything. but i can just be walking around anywhere and i'll see things, like i know they;re there, but evidently no one else does or they'd be freaking out about it.

I hate doctors ='( i've got therapy on friday, fingers crossed he can make it because of the snow over here =| i'll talk to him about it.

11-01-10, 22:01
Let us know how you get on.

16-01-10, 21:50
The therapist didnt say much about the hallucinations ='(
he asked whether my doctor had put me on any medication, which she hasnt
and that was almost the end of that ='(
i hate my life ='(
started self harming again
I seriously cant deal with going to college anymore ='( i just want to give up

16-01-10, 22:31
I;m surprised your therapist ignored your hallucinations. Maybe because he doesnt know how to deal with it.
Have you told your doctor this? If not I think you should as I would not ignore it and hope it will go away. The doctor could help, it could be the stress causing them.

Try not to self harm, it doesnt solve problems. Your life may be awful at this moment but it wont always be that way, trust me, I'm 65 and I know about ups and downs and nothing ever stays the same. Better times will come.

I know how awful it is to feel this way but it can get better.

16-01-10, 22:51
I just want to know when things are going to get better
because everyone around me is convinced they will
they keep saying
it will get better
you'll get over this
but WHEN! ='( i'm sick of waiting

my doctor never does anything! it took her long enough to help me get help with the panic attacks, and she only did that after a hospital visit =|

I'm just lost now, i dont know what to do anymore, ='(

17-01-10, 11:44
Change your doctor! Not all are sympathetic but others can be. My eldest daughter had a lovely doctor many years ago who could do hypnotherapy and that helped her a lot.
I had an unsympathetic doctor at my health centre who I hated going to. Then a new doctor joined the team and I became her patient and she is so much nicer and more understanding.

17-01-10, 11:49
yeah i might just do that,
i've seen a two doctors at my practice and neither of them seemed that nice =P
i dont want to seem like a pain there.
i hate going there so often aswell because when i was younger i went there for glandular fever and she said, yeah we take more notice of people that don't come to the doctors often, so its like, if you go there often then they wont take much notice o you

17-01-10, 11:54
That's one horror i don't get, thankfully, Vickie. Yes it all revolves around waiting to see doctors, i hope you get it sorted out. That sounds like one thing you can do without, on top of everything else.

17-01-10, 12:00
just want to get it sorted,
it makes me feel anxious that no one else gets them =|

tonight if she's free ima talk to my best mate about them, because we talk about alot, but not really things like this. see what she thinks =/

17-01-10, 18:06
I looked up causes of Hallucinations and depression and drugs can cause them:

17-01-10, 19:57
awh thankyou lindor! that really sweet of you to care =)
ima go read it now
