View Full Version : DVT

anx mum
10-01-10, 13:26
My doc has referred me for a scan 2moz as ive been avin pain in my calf for a good week although dosent look swollen he says it is. Been given wafarain.

10-01-10, 14:26
Sometimes our limbs are different than the other ,one might appear to be bigger thus giving the effect its slightly swollen .Your Dr has given you this to be on the safe side .Not every one will get symptoms with dvt until its gets into the lungs ..The scan will be able to tell what exactly is wrong if anything ,This time tommorow i would imagine you will know if its dvt or not .Good luck hun and im sure you will be ok ,,,Luv Sue xx:hugs:

10-01-10, 17:07
i suffer with leg pain quite alot especially when ive been really anxious, or im due on my period. sometimes so bad it actually hurts to walk, but when i get this i also get it in my foot.
I have had a dvt it was agony, i had the pain for a month before the dr would do anything, it could have killed me! all i wanted to say is that good luck for tomorrow, im sure it'll be fine.

Leanne x

anx mum
10-01-10, 17:28
was itin ur calf? Did u have any syptoms?

10-01-10, 17:35
yes i had symptoms, my leg was agony, not just painful the pain was there, from well that bad i couldnt sleep, it was constant. my leg was swollen to, it has never gone back either, it was hot aswell, it didnt change colour though. i was on warfarin for 9 months.
honestly when mine was diagnosed i had fragmin injection in my stomach and the pain disappered instantly was lovely.

i had to visit a warfarin clinic until i stopped the warfarin but that was ok.
my 2 pregnancys since the clot ive had to inject myself everyday until 6 weeks after.

Leanne x

anx mum
10-01-10, 17:42
see thats what i dont understand since havin injection pain is better mine is constant what sort of pain was it? My leg is swollen but not red what do u think?

10-01-10, 17:50

sounds like mine but then again ive had so many similar pains since that i thought were clots that were nothing at all and the pain just went away, i think that thinking about it all the time makes it worse but you cant help think about it when it hurts,
have u had any operations lately or been on any contraception? or even being a heavy smoker, or overweight
i was a smoker, i was 22 i was 9 stone so not overweight (i am now lol) and i had had a c section 5 weeks before.

i know its scary, i remember that worrying, i went to the hospital once and they said it was nothing, i knew they were wrong the pain was so bad, but eventually they took me serious and tested me, it was a big relief if im honest, although i wasnt a health anxiety sufferer then. x

anx mum
10-01-10, 17:55
no not really im abit overweighti im 30 and smoke. Pains been awful and had it at night then wake up with it. Could u walk? Was it in ur calf?

10-01-10, 17:56
Good luck with the scan 2moro x

10-01-10, 17:59
yes mine was in my calf, the pain also went from my right leg to my left, it was 2 weeks in my right then 2 weeks in my left until it was picked up. i can see why the dr thought it was nothing.

remember getting relief a bit when my leg was above heart level.


10-01-10, 18:00
also i could walk but it was agony

anx mum
10-01-10, 18:03
thanks 2both of u

10-01-10, 18:04
no probs, hope it goes ok xxxxxxx

10-01-10, 18:10
Tell the hosptal 2moro when you go for the scan that you are in alot of pain with it.Also i elevated my leg on a pillow,found that help me,i stil do it now.When you find out 2moro if it is a clot you should be given more advice

10-01-10, 18:21
hi axs mum.
just have to look after your self, and just do went the doctor ask you do.
i have had it for 10years. you must take care of you self ,thats is inportant .
