View Full Version : I'm new

10-01-10, 13:31
Hello everyone,
Well i joined this site about 5 days ago, so fairly new. To sum it up for the past two years i thought i had alsorts of ailments, after lots of different tests at hospital, nothing was found. Everyday i seemed to feel lower than the day before, until the point i was crying most of the time and spending my time by myself until the point i had no friends. I was diagnosed with depression 2 months ago and was put on citalopram and last week moved onto mirtazapine. I keep asking myself why me? why do i have to suffer from this dreadfull illness. I thought i was on my own but looking at this site i'm not. What worries me is that even when i get over the depression i have then got to start rebuilding my life, not sure how, really. But it will be nice to talk to people with similar problems. I just feel so lonely and isolated, Is it just me?
Regards Wayne.

10-01-10, 13:33
Hi Redrainbow

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-01-10, 13:44
HI AND :welcome:Wayne ,Plenty of us on here will relate to your problems .Im sure you will find it supportive and helpful .I replied to your Deppression post ..Good luck with your recovery ,you will get there .Luv Sue :hugs:

10-01-10, 14:44
Hi I am a little new too ! Just posted in another section a short time back.Welcome,:)

10-01-10, 14:52

Sorry you feel so low but you won't always feel like this. Don't worry too much about rebuilding your life afterwards - you'll feel better and be able to think more clearly. Just take once step at a time. Let the meds work and keep yourself busy. No, you are not alone, others here have or are feeling like you and have turned a corner. You will too, given time.

10-01-10, 16:35
Hi,i can totally relate,especially with the feelin lonely,its hard to explain to someone who hasn't been through similar trauma,had it not gotten hold of me i daresay i would find it hard to comprehend.
Im new on here but finding being able to talk to people of similar situations is so beneficial,as in day to day life it can be almost impossible to even have a conversation with someone (even with close friends some days for me).
I will be loggin in each day if you ever need to talk,even if its just for a natter about normal boring blokey stuff (its my forte lol)

Veronica H
10-01-10, 16:40
:welcome:Wayne. Glad that you have found us.There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough. I think you would feel reassured by this book.This will get better.
Here is a link to her site;



10-01-10, 19:39
Thankyou to everyone who has replied, it's nice to know there are people who understand. I don't tell anyone i know i have this illness, of coarse my wife knows but that's about it really. As many of you know this depression and all it's factors that go with it really hit hard. I think i noticed myself slowly getting more down but just thought it would pass, but then all of a sudden it hit like a ton of bricks, the lowest i have ever felt. The worst thing i don't really know what brought me to this point in my life, maybe it was always there waiting to hatch, i don't know. But once again thankyou, all of you for your kind posts, Regards Wayne.