View Full Version : my daughters soft spot

10-01-10, 17:15
hiya everyone u

its a real long shot but im after some reassurance, my daughter Poppy will be 2 next month and her soft spot on her head is still there, after worrying myself sick i took her to the drs who said, thats its late to close but not worth refering until 27 months when shes at the end of average, i know i shouldnt have but i googled now im petrified, u all know how im feeling, its horrible i cant get it out of my head, it gave loads of reasons what cause delayed closure, but the one im worring about is water on the brain, her head looks ok though, and i just wanna say even though the hole is there its smaller than when she was born, it was huge when she was born, i remember thinking that at time. help!! this has ruined my xmas and i wanna stop thinking bout it x

has anyones kids ever had this?

Leanne x

10-01-10, 17:23
Hi Leanne,

I think if the doctor had any worry at all about your wee one she's have been referred immediately to paediatrics. The fact that the doctor is happy to wait is reassuring that it's nothing to worry about. I know it's really hard not to worry about your children, but they are more robust than we think. Also, I think when we are already anxious we can focus on something and wind ourselves up into a frenzy about it - I've been there!! And to google answers is the sure way to make us even worse. It isn't always the worst case scenario. It will probably correct itself and even if not there are lots of things they can do nowadays to fix almost everything.
Take care

10-01-10, 17:55
hiya Myra
i really appriciate you replying to me, im so worried lol and i think u hit the nail on the head, with my anxiety im picking up on that because of the way im feeling. the dr said bring her back at 27 months if no change, well we got 4 months, i just hope it closes by then.

thanks again xxxxx

10-01-10, 19:48
Hi Leanne,
When my eldest son was born, prematurely at 33 weeks his soft spot seemed huge and it didnt go until he was almost three. My second son had two soft spots which frightened the life out of me, but is normal and his didnt close completley until he was over three. My daughter on the other hand was closed at two and a half. My doctor wasnt the slightest bit concerned about any of them and made me feel like I was an over anxious mother. I was told that on average babies soft spots go at an average of 26 months, meaning some earlier and some later so I wouldn't worry too muhc especially if your doctor is happy. But just being a mum is a worry and as they get much older it gets much worse...mine are now 29, 25 and 16 and its a nightmare!!!
Take care,
Carol x

10-01-10, 20:12
ohhh Carol
what a relief to read your post, i'll tell u what happened, i took her to the drs, she had an ear infection, and i just mentioned the soft spot to the dr and he said nothing to worry bout just keep an eye on it, anyway few days later i got a letter from the drs, it was a referal i freeked out, honestly one letter made me feel ill for hours, i felt better that he had said dont worry then i get that, anyway the dr was a locum, i phoned the surgery and spoke to my doctor and he bring her back at 27 months if no change, but im still worrying even though he said that, it dosnt help when other mums i know sound shocked when i ask them.
thank you so much for replying. im sure you are a brlliant mum, nothing wrong with being over protective. i just go over the top xx
Leanne xx

19-01-10, 13:22
hey, my sons soft spot never closed up untill he was 2 and a half. i took him to the doctors aged 2, they rang a specialist who said that as long as there was no conceans with his growth and development not 2 worry untill he is 2 and a half- 3. dont worry all babies are different in every aspect,no 2 babies develop the same. if there was anything wrong with her u would know as she would show more servere sign of illness. dont worry it will close up on its own xx

18-06-22, 18:56
Just in case anyone reads this and wonders … my daughters soft spot did close, she was 4. She’s 14 now and absolutely fine.