View Full Version : Slipping Back

28-11-05, 08:47

I've been doing really well for so long now but over the last couple of weeks I've felt anxious again. I've managed to go about my daily stuff until this last week or so. I couldn't face going to work last week. Was going to go back today but broke down and had a huge panic attack yesterday :( felt all the horrible anxious feelings coming back again. No matter how clued up you are on how to deal with it, it didn't make a difference yesterday. Thought it would just be a bad day and I would be fine this morning but I can't face anything at all. My husband is going to ring in work for me. I just feel that I can't cope with work, I can't cope with the pressure with the state of mind I am in at the moment. I need some time to just do nothing and not have to think about anything. It doesn't help that I have exams in a weeks time, re-sitting them because my anxiety affected me the first time round so I failed them.

I'm fed up of feeling like this. It just keeps coming back the minute I feel that I have beaten it.

I'm ringing up to get an appointment for private counselling today. Was supposed to see one through my doctor but it got cancelled because she was ill and I have to wait till February. But I can't wait that long to talk to somebody. I feel like my head is going to explode.

Sorry for waffling on, feel on such a downer today.

Emma x

28-11-05, 09:00
Hi Emma,
Sorry to hear you are having a bad time of it at the minute. This is probably due to the pressure of exams, maybe you are subconsiously thinking about how you failed them the last time due to you anxiety, so you are now worring and becoming anxious again.

Try to take some time for you before they arrive, and try to stay positive. Remember the good days outweigh the bad ones now and this is just a blip on your road to recovery, don't let this get you down hun, you will be back up there again, putting it all behind you.

Keep smiling mate, it will get better again, and you can beat this.

Take care
Trac xxxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

28-11-05, 09:05
Thanks Trac.

I'll try to be positive. I just let things get on top of me and then it all comes to head. I've beaten it before so I should be able to do it again. Just don't like letting them down at work because I really enjoy working there. Just need to relax I think today and try to forget about things.

Emma x

28-11-05, 09:15
Hi Emma,

Your not letting anyone down mate, just sometimes you need to put yourself first and have you time.

Take the time to chill out and do absolutely nothing.

Take care
Trac XXX

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

28-11-05, 12:35
Hi Emma

How are you feeling now?
I'm sure it's just a blip due to the thought of exams looming as Trac said.
I was doing really well and have also slipped back, but I am slowly getting there again!
Enjoy some me time and relax if you can.

Take care

Elaine x

28-11-05, 12:41
Hello, new here, but just wish to add my support. I agree about seeing a private therapist. I was given a 16 month waiting time.


28-11-05, 12:55

Thanks for the support guys.

Luckily there is a complimentary health centre in the town near my village, they also do counselling. I rang them and they have fitted me in at 4pm with a counsellor. It will cost a fortune but I don't care. You can't put a price on your health.

As for the exams. I have not been able to bring myself to even look at my books. So I think the best thing for me is to wait and re-sit the whole year next September when I am feeling better. I need to remove the stress I think until I can cope better.

I also emailed my boss today to explain that it wasn't work and that I just had a few things causing my anxiety, luckily he is really great and told me not to worry about work and that we would have a chat about things when I got back. Just wanted me to get well.

So all in all I do feel a little better this afternoon now that I am taking positive steps to make myself better.

Just so scary when you have been feeling well that it can suddenly creep back up on you again.

Emma x

28-11-05, 13:01
Sometimes the blips feel so awful after you had have a good run of things, cos you forgot how bad you could feel.

Let us know how you get on at the complimentary therapy centre later on.

Big hug:D

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

28-11-05, 13:28
Good for you Emma for taking those positive steps.

I am sure the exams were playing on your mind more than you had realized

Let us know how you do with the counsellor


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?