View Full Version : Over two weeks on Citalopram

10-01-10, 18:39
Hi guys,
Ive been on citalopram for over two weeks now, i was wondering if i should be starting to feel a bit better by now? or perhaps im a bit ahead of myself! I still feel anxiety and feel more depressed than i was before i think, whats your experiences?
I have a doctor appointment next thursday, do you think i should bring it up?
Thank you:)

10-01-10, 19:31
Hi Emily, you should always keep your doctor informed in full, but it sounds entirely normal so far :)

Antidepressants can and do increase depression and anxiety when you first start taking them, as hard as that is to believe considering today's technology. It's caused by the convoluted process by which the medicine works. Actually that is also why most antideps take weeks to work. Medical scientists are researching ketamine (a dangerous tranquiliser) to find out why it works so quickly against depression, and this could lead to a future generation of drugs which will suppress our symptoms within hours rather than weeks.

If there are no noticeable improvements after 4-6 weeks, you should consider a small increase in the dose. It may take a few weeks for the increased dose to have its maximum benefit.

10-01-10, 19:34

10-01-10, 19:35
hiya,my doctor said can take up to 4 weeks to start working im on the same ones,i have been on them 6 weeks now ive improved but still not myself.

10-01-10, 19:50
Emily - you gotta stick with it for at least 8 weeks for to see if it takes effect. That time was very hard going for me, but I'm feeling the benefit now. It took about 6-7 weeks for mine to kick in, but this can vary from person to person. If they don't work for you after that time, it is possible to try something else. :)

11-01-10, 22:11
ahh ok thank you everyone, i thought perhaps i was wishing it to work quicker than it actually does:blush:

12-01-10, 10:09
Hi Emily

I have just started a thread on the same problem as you! I started taking Citalopram on 27 December, and was hoping the anxiety would have died down by now but it hasnt. In fact, I think its getting worse.

Im due back at work next week as have been signed off for 2 weeks but I will need to see my doc on for another sick note as Im no-where near ready to go back.

Try and keep yourself busy - hard I know. I have just ordered a tapestry set (never tried tapestry before!!) but it may help to concentrate the mind.

Good luck with it all - I totally empathise with how you are feeling.

14-01-12, 07:29
Hi Emily, you should always keep your doctor informed in full, but it sounds entirely normal so far :)

Antidepressants can and do increase depression and anxiety when you first start taking them, as hard as that is to believe considering today's technology. It's caused by the convoluted process by which the medicine works. Actually that is also why most antideps take weeks to work. Medical scientists are researching ketamine (a dangerous tranquiliser) to find out why it works so quickly against depression, and this could lead to a future generation of drugs which will suppress our symptoms within hours rather than weeks.

If there are no noticeable improvements after 4-6 weeks, you should consider a small increase in the dose. It may take a few weeks for the increased dose to have its maximum benefit.

Hi Mr Poet,

You are so helpful with this sort of thing. I started Citalapram 3 days ago and I have woken up this morning feeling really reallly bad. I feel like I have taken drugs or something. My eyes feel funny and I feel freezing and tingly all over. I feel really scared and I am terrified to take my next dose. I also feel like I cannot move!!!! It is really horrible. Can you offer any advice. I cannot even go to the doctor as it is Saturday!!!!! What should I do????

14-01-12, 10:13
you could ring NHS direct 08454647 and ask their advice or your doctors phone will have an emergency number. In my district they have Out of Hours doctor service which are very helpful


14-01-12, 10:33
Thanks Joy. I am a bit better at the moment. I think I just woke up having a really bad panic attack. I am really trying to perservere with them. Are you on Citalapram and if so did you get really bad side effects???? I just want the panic to subside it is so scary. I feel like I am taking a step back rather then forward:weep:

14-01-12, 11:29
hi sophie............just a thought when i spoke to my doc yesterday about the side effects he asked me why i thought they were side effects. if you think about it we could be so anxious about getting all these side effects thats its actually making our anxiety worse and therefore making us feel worse.