View Full Version : Tempted to google blood clots

10-01-10, 20:06
I am really focussing on suddent death as a result of blood clots. I am really panicking about it and am tempted to google to find out the changes of having one. I mean a blood clot anywhere - so head, heart, leg, lungs etc.

I have a pain in my temple and it has set me off panicking.

I am very overweight but not unfit, I walk a lot and don't get out of breathe on stairs and things like that. I try to do the bits I can.

I am not on meds. Health wise I have back problem but nothing else really except this anxiety and depression.


10-01-10, 20:12
Please dont google it. That is my current fixation and there is just too much scary info out there

10-01-10, 20:19
dont do it!!!! i always get tension or pain in my temple, usually the right one, when im anxious or feel slightly dry in my nose. dont do it you will worry yourself even more, ive learnt that lesson loads of times xx
Leanne x

10-01-10, 21:10
I am really trying, I was reassured when I was pregnant as the chances were relatively low. Also when I went on the pill (weighing more than I do now) I was told the chances were lower than when I was pregnant.

I am so so scared. I know this is 'only' a shooting pain once every few minutes. It's just my initial reaction is that it will be fatal. I try to distract myself but then I always become aware of it.

10-01-10, 22:08
I am now getting pain at the bottom of my rib cage that occassionally goes sharply up my rib cage. My right shoulder blade and back feel really stiff and painful too :( What is going on??

11-01-10, 00:13
This is one of the things I get kinda paranoid about. If I get a pain in my leh, head anything I always think blood clot. I would def say dont google it because I did and it made me feel much worse and I started to check myself for symptoms every 2 mins. As for the pains your describing it may be anxiety. I have only experienced anxiety related chest pains once and it lasted for a week on and off because I kept panicking about it. It was exactly as your describing. I thought I had a clot or something but it was anxiety. I had a dull ache and a pin pointed ache which varied all around my chest and shoulder blades. Just try to relax. When I found out anxiety could cause chest pain it disappeared in a matter of hours. Just concentrate on the fact youve been told that the risk of it happening is low.


Going home
11-01-10, 00:25
Anxiety causes alot of tension in the muscles of various parts of the body. If you can imagine working out in a gym, then the day after feeling pain in alot of muscles in your body, but you wouldnt panic about it because you'd know the reason for it. Tension is tension whatever causes it, it feels the same, just as a thumping heart caused by adrenaline is the same whether you're excited about something or scared. Your body doesn't know the difference...it reacts just the same. Try not to google stuff, its not that its bad, its just that it has to give you every side of any condition, but because we have health anxiety we naturally ignore the milder symptoms and go straight for the worst case senario!

The problem with someone who is thinking about what might happen, as in a blood clot or getting cancer, is that how can we know? How can anyone reassure you that it definately will not happen? not even the doctors can tell you this. All anyone can say is that its highly unlikely.

GH xx :)

11-01-10, 18:37
So is it highly unlikely even though I am overweight?