View Full Version : Feel very faint, advice needed please.

10-01-10, 22:55
Yesterday I had a panic attack as a result to stress. Today I've been feeling fine until not long ago, I started to feel a bit short of breath with I just put it down to anxiety.

I got up and walked into my kitchen, lights started to appear in front of my eyes and I felt like I was going to faint. I sat down and it eventually passed.

I feel weak at the moment but nothing compared to what just happened. Is this anxiety related or possibly something else?

I've eaten fine today, and just recently had blood, tyroid, and heart results back and everything was fine. What could it be? It's scaring me now. I'm not on any medication.

andrea thompson
10-01-10, 23:54
hi hon

i am not a dr. but i feel like that quite a lot... not all the time... but i have certainly had those symptoms and i think its anxiety. look at the symptoms on this site... i reckon it could be caused by the stress... it will probably pass as your body relaxes from the stress..

if you are worried tomorrow go and see your dr.

in the mean time try to relax and give your body time to recover from the stresses you are going through..

take care

andrea x x

11-01-10, 00:34
Hi Ella Jayne

Sounds as if perhaps your breathing was too shallow and then your body just reacted to the action of standing up...change in blood pressure perhaps? I know I've certainly had that feeling of 'seeing stars' and it can be quite scary especially as you've had a stressful two days one way or the other.

Sometimes too I think when we've got past a panicky episode and consider ourselves 'fine' say, the next day, we may still be dwelling on it without quite realising. Hence the shallow breathing or overbreathing.

This is my first visit and I think I've gone on long enough. Wishing you a better day tomorrow and an even better one the day after that.
