View Full Version : stoping my daughter from going to school

11-01-10, 07:46
anyone please help, im stopping my daughter going back to school since xmas hoils , im to scared to be on my own, she only 13 and she dont know im keeping here off because im so anixous, i been lucky cause of snow and ive told her i dont want to go today cause of ice, what can i do? i dont wanna be o my own my yougest is 3 and if im no good to her at least the oldest is here, should i look in to get a carer, im allready worry about tomoz, i really dont wanna be on my own.:weep:

11-01-10, 08:20

I know how awful this is, been there, but you have got to let your daughter go back to school, the longer you keep her with you, the harder it gets, you know yourself, keeping her off is not the right thing to do, because you are worrying about it, and already worrying about tommorow, i think if its not too late let her go to school today, if too late then tommorow, you dont feel as if you will cope on your own but you will, you need a plan to keep your mind busy, if you are sitting around not doing much, you wil have plenty of time to thinkabout it and this just feeds your anxiety , and keep this fear going.

have a plan in your head of the things you are going to do when your daughter is at school, you have a 3 year old, so perhaps start off doing something with them, or go out to the shop, or catch up on some housework, anything to get your mind doing something else, before you know it , it will be time for her to come home.
As the days go by it soes get easier, but the key is to keep yourself busy...

will be thinking of you, YOU CAN DO IT,

P x:hugs:

take care

11-01-10, 09:15
hi bomberb

Just edited my last post , sorry it read you cant do it, it was obviously meant to say tou CAN do it. cos you can

i see you are offline , so hopefully you might be keeping busy and your daughter is away to school,


P x

11-01-10, 09:26
Hi bomber, this must be so hard for you... But you know she needs to go to school eventually hun and the longer it is til she goes - the harder it will be til she does go. Like was said in the above post - making a list and keeping busy is fantastic. Write down a list of what your going to do all day from waking up, making breakfast, playing with your 3 yr old, doing the dishes, doing some washing, buying some groceries and cooking a nice meal and she will be home and you will know you CAN do it...


11-01-10, 09:48
i know what your both saying is right, and im taking diaizpam to take edge off, but im so scared and i feel so down and alone, i feel like hurting myself so someone will notice i need help,, maybe i need a carer, im so scared, i take seroquel 25mg 4 times aday and my doc wanted me to take the xl version so i only took 50mq twice aday, but im scared to make the swich, seroquel works really well for me, and ive been told to make the swich and take a top up one if needed, the doc wont speak to me over phone and i cant go out, i have argroaphobia to, i want him to come out to me but i dont think he will,

11-01-10, 09:51
i was just reading post again , my youngest is 2 not 3, sorry i cant type.

11-01-10, 09:58
you need help fast ,if your docter wont listen ring nhs direct ,,your 3 year old wont understand her mummy not well and your older daughter will be worried inside get help is theresomeone you can get to ring pm me

11-01-10, 10:08
yeah call nhs direct there must be somethiing in place and maybe you can get a little help until you feel better., probably isnt help feeling bad about keeping your daughter off on top of how you are feeling. take care and we are all here to listen if you need to talk xx

11-01-10, 10:31
thanx im feeling bit better and have my best friend here now, and we waiting for doc to phone, i just feel so bad putting on my friend all time, as she expecting and has two little ones, mite sound silly but ive felt like this since the snow came,, i hate it, and feel i cant get help if i needed it. x

11-01-10, 10:51
glad you have someone there good luck

11-01-10, 13:18
ive spoke to doctor and tomorrow im to change to seroquel xl which is slow release and then can take a normal seroquel on top of that,

11-01-10, 13:20
Glad you got something sorted out, i hope you start to feel better soon.

P x

11-01-10, 15:30
hope you feel better soon! sure you will be fine with the kids. I felt a bit nervous when my husband went back to work but soon got used to it again. good luck xxx

11-01-10, 15:33
hope you will be better soon

11-01-10, 20:12
Just wanted to say I know exactly how you feel. my son was of last week due to weather, he was meant to be starting a new school due to problems at his old one. I was so glad he didnt go in. Today took him in just for 1 hour hes being gradually introduced to the school an extra hour each day, which is also good for me as I can get used to it all again. Glad your feeling better and remember your not on your own.

26-01-10, 09:17
im doing it again, we were all ill, and ive told the school she wont be back to school till next week, i just dont wanna be on my own, i have a two year old as well, i just dont feel me/

26-01-10, 10:01
I really am sorry that you are feeling so low. I'm not being harsh, I understand how difficult it must be, but stopping your daughter from going to school is not the answer. It means she's missing out too. Even in the depths of our despair it is helpful to us to try and carry on with our lives as normal and let our children have happy, normal lives. You will only regret it. In taking your daughter to school you are getting out of the house and this will help you to feel better knowing you've done that. It'll be another step towards recovery. I would really think about it and make a determined effort to get your life back on track, and your wee daughter's. Please also speak to your doctor as you are obviously needing more help.

26-01-10, 10:02
I really feel your pain, My partner has left for Australia for the next two months and i feel totally terrified and alone. Was doing ok until he left and now i'm scared stiff. I'm supposed to be going back to work next week, but god i'm falling apart. My meds aren't working and i'm losing hope fast. I was so much better when he was here, so i know how frightened you feel. I think it's all about establishing new routines. Maybe you could bring your little one to a mother and toddler group and have some interaction with other people. I find keeping occupied helps greatly.

Hope you feel better soon

26-01-10, 10:12
thannx guys, the prob is my daughter is 12 so she takes her self to scholl, and my two yr old , dosnt go to any mother and baby groups as im agroaphobic, not much hope really