View Full Version : hello people

11-01-10, 12:29
hello people, my name is guy i'm 22 year old student trying to rebuild his life after a 6 year drug and alcohol binge. It's been a year off the juice and i've recently started on citalopram because of panic attacks. i've basically joined this site for support as neither my family or my friends seem to understand what i'm going through!

11-01-10, 12:30
hiya, welcome to nmp:welcome:

11-01-10, 12:31
Hi snakie_87

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-01-10, 12:46
:welcome:hi snakie,welcome to the site,im new on here but have found it great to be able to talk to people that are going through the same kind of thing.
i know myself how difficult it can be for others to understand that have not experienced anything like anxiety/panic attacks,thats why this site is so great as everyone on here fully understands where your comin from.
i hope it helps you as much as it has me,welcome aboard:welcome: matt

11-01-10, 12:48
hi hope you get support you need i have this great site sure you will get through hang on in there

11-01-10, 12:57
hi there and welcome, you sound like you have come a long way already and doing great, family often don't understand and if you manage to have friends who do then u r lucky, alot of the time, we have to battle through alone, but its not such a bad thing and it def make us stronger and able to cope better than others, keep strong and you will get lots of support here. hugs xx

11-01-10, 14:50
Hello Guy, you've done such a huge thing for yourself, coming off the drugs and alcohol. You can only go up from here. Hopefully the meds will help, be kind to yourself, get lots of rest and you'll turn a corner. You'll get lots of support from this site.

11-01-10, 15:32
welcome guy I totally understand what ya mean when you say no one understands you. You don't have to worry about that here, we all understand what your going through. Some worse off than you some better , all in all we are all here for each other. Congrats on your sobriety I quit drinking two weeks ago and can't wait to say I am a year sober. That's a huge accomplishment especially having a panic disorder it shows your strong!

Best wishes Tina