View Full Version : bloody stool

11-01-10, 13:11
hi has anyone had blood mixed in there stool and had nothing serious :ohmy:

11-01-10, 13:18
Hi I am new but know a bit about this, is it bright red or darker more like black?

11-01-10, 13:28
it is red but seems to be mixed in i had a clear colonoscopy 2 years ago

11-01-10, 13:29

11-01-10, 13:31
i thought piles caused blood on outside the stool not inside but i hope your right

11-01-10, 13:37
what happens as you go to the toilet if your piles are swollen inside they may burst as they are little sacks of blood. dont worry not bad ,,anyway as you pass a stool the blood that comes out of the pile that burst coats the stool with the blood ,, if you had internal bleeding it would be black and tarry with dark blood ..pile blood is like when you cut your finger try anusol it helps them shrink ps i was a nurse 15 years

11-01-10, 13:37
Hi bronte,
I would doubt it would be anything serious if you had a clear colonoscopy 2 years ago, the usual recall for any one with bowel probs is either 3 or 5 years (I KNOW this). Bright red blood is 9 times out of ten, piles. If you still are not sure go to your gp and they will examine you (may be internal piles) the blood can be mixed with stool.
Do you have any other symptoms?

11-01-10, 14:14
hi i have ibs i did mention it to my dr she said the chance it is anything serious will be minimal because of clear colonoscopy the blood is in little bits that look like undigested food but is red which she said bowel cancer does not present like that

i love tea
11-01-10, 14:17
Hi bronte,

Could it be undigested bits of food? I have IBS and sometimes, if the IBS is playing up, I get bits of undigested food in my poo - I especially notice it with tomatoes.

As everyone has already said, I always understood that dark blood in the poo is a bad sign, not bright red.

Take care :)

11-01-10, 14:21
thankyou for your reply my anxiety is always sky high

i love tea
11-01-10, 14:30
I completely understand - I can be so rational with others and then completely irrational about my own health :doh:

As piles is the most likely cause, why not pop to the chemist and get something to treat it. You'll then soon know if it is piles, and if it isn't, the doc can give you something else to try. While the symptom (blood) is still there, you'll continue being anxious, so it's best to treat it ASAP.

Best wishes :)

P.S. You don't mention how easy it is for you to open your bowels. I just say this because I have had bright red blood in my poo after being constipated and I got a slight tear (fissure) inside.

11-01-10, 14:37
have you eaten peppers or tomatoes in the last few days, if it is clumps it maybe food stuff(like I love tea meantioned), the skin of peppers and tomatoes etc doesnt digest very easily and can look like that at the other end, I work in a colonoscopy unit and we see undigested food still in the bowel when we are doing examinations.

11-01-10, 18:30
iithe second time i noticed id had cheese with cranberries in it but cant remember the first time

11-01-10, 18:36
i think i do have a slight tear because if i find it hard to go i can sometimes feel a sting in my back passage and specks of blood

11-01-10, 18:51
hiya just wanted to let you know i had this few months ago and panicked like you and it was down to my constipation and piles that i had inside, it soon cleared up and havent had it since,but please dont panic, nothin serious. hugs xxx

11-01-10, 20:13
thankyou for your reply donna when i had my colonoscopy they said i may av had internal piles because i had dark red blood on the outside of my stool but this time it is what i can only describe as little clumps so you had the same and it was internal piles was it