View Full Version : Never showed clot

anx mum
11-01-10, 15:42
Just got bk from hospital had a scan done on my left calf nothing showed which of course i was happy but now thinking why am i in constant pain esp in left calf?

11-01-10, 15:43
im really happy for you i knew you would be ok. maybe its the muscle thats causing the pain xx

11-01-10, 15:47
Hi Bev
Glad that everything was okay
It could be that when you are anxious your mustles tense up
Try and relax a little
I get it with my stomach and the pain can be undearable


11-01-10, 15:49
glad it was ok

11-01-10, 16:07
Hello :)

I get this occasionally, combination of stress and the weather can make it worse, also if you concentrate on something long enough it is bound to cause you pain because the muscles in that area tense up.

I have seen from alot of your posts that you have pattern and jump from one medical condition to another, this is Health anxiety and i have been exactly where you are, i jumped from brain tumours to M.S to all sorts!

I think its important that you notice this pattern to and as soon as this complaint ends up comes another, this doesnt mean that there is anything wrong with you health wise it just shows how powerful Health Anxiety is and that you need to except hey maybe nothing is wrong with me and its the anxiety i need to be dealing with. xxx

anx mum
11-01-10, 16:59
there was something wrong with me as i had bells palsey. Since then hvent been right. Sick 2 death of being ill.

11-01-10, 17:10
So glad its not a clot!!i know what you mean ive had two years of been ill this is wot led to my depression and anxity!

11-01-10, 17:11

anx mum
11-01-10, 17:28
thanx hun

11-01-10, 17:44
Great news you don't have a dvt. You can relax about that now.

anx mum
11-01-10, 19:07
didnt quite believe it was in so much pain. Doc dosent know what it is doin a muscle blood test whatever that is?

11-01-10, 19:39
Just got bk from hospital had a scan done on my left calf nothing showed which of course i was happy but now thinking why am i in constant pain esp in left calf?

I am so happy for you! :yesyes: I hope you are having a good day.

Maybe try a warm bath or stretching . I have had same pain on and off for 4 months now in my calf...its because I am so freaking tense when I sit or anything....a bath(and occasionally a glass of wine :winks:) and some good stretching has been good to me, although I do worry a little about it from time to time.

Even better...have somebody massage that leg. I went to get a massage (gift from DH), and wow....my leg pain was gone for like 2 weeks. I think I might get another one because it was so awesome.

11-01-10, 20:43

You haven't got dvt or a blood clot in both legs. You have tight muscles from tension that is what your feeling and dwelling on it will not allow the tension to ease.

Like i said a few days ago. There doesn't have to be a nasty thing attached to any pain that stays and will not go. Your brain is very powerful and can create all these symptoms due to anxiety. Just accept they are there and then ignore them and let time do the rest.

Your painful calves will not hurt you

anx mum
11-01-10, 21:00
In so much pain keep thinking theres gotta b a reason for it? The pain bfore was in knees couldnt kneel or hurt if i got up:shrug:

11-01-10, 21:14
The reason is tension it really is. I posted in one of your threads before about the fact all this worry stimulates the adrenaline releasing glands and so if we are constantly worrying 24 7 they never stop and it can cause muscile tension and pain etc.

Until you truly accept this and the other problems you've had like your headache and chest are due to this you will never truly be able to start on the path to feeling better.

Trust me you need to take a step back and say ok, this is what it is bought on my my tense state and constant high anxiety and now I know that this cannot hurt me i'm just going to get on with my life and not give the anxiety any more fuel for the fire.

Just let the pain hurt but knowing all the time it is nothing serious and just some pain that will pass when you allow it.


Sammy J
11-01-10, 22:47
The reason is tension it really is. I posted in one of your threads before about the fact all this worry stimulates the adrenaline releasing glands and so if we are constantly worrying 24 7 they never stop and it can cause muscile tension and pain etc.

Until you truly accept this and the other problems you've had like your headache and chest are due to this you will never truly be able to start on the path to feeling better.

Trust me you need to take a step back and say ok, this is what it is bought on my my tense state and constant high anxiety and now I know that this cannot hurt me i'm just going to get on with my life and not give the anxiety any more fuel for the fire.

Just let the pain hurt but knowing all the time it is nothing serious and just some pain that will pass when you allow it.


Wise words :). I had a similar problem but with my arms and shoulders, the pain and aching used to drive me insane. It went on for about a month (I was having CBT at the time) and one day after work I just snapped. We were going out to a friends party and I could not face the thought of the pain ruining the evening and burst into tears.. proper sobbing tears. Then it stopped :huh:..eased off within 10 minutes of the outburst. We went out, I got very tiddly and it did not really rear it's head again.

My therapist at the time thinks I was bottling up all the tension and pressure and it's affected my muscles. Once I had a good tantrum/cry it eased.

Sam :)

anx mum
12-01-10, 09:26
wish this pain would bugger off yeah is getting me down. Limping

12-01-10, 12:07
Don't wish it away and try to hard just acknowledge it's there and it's a real pain but it will go when you don't give it your full attention