View Full Version : Constant Throat Clearing

11-01-10, 16:23
Hi all:

I've visited this forum often and found it reassuring an very helpful, however, I've never posted before. I suffer intense health anxiety.

Six weeks ago I came down with a pretty good head cold, runny nose, etc. After a week it moved into my chest and I had lots of coughing sometimes producing greenish or yellowish phlem. After two weeks, most of the coughing was gone, but since then (four weeks now) I've had this constant urge to clear my throat and I can feel it down into my lungs. It doesn't bother me when I sleep, but soon after waking, the clearing starts. I don't even want to get up in the morning.

I've been to my GP twice and gone on two rounds of anti-biotics (Azrithromyacin and Levequin), the second one seemed to help a little. I've had a chest x-ray that came back clear. I've seen a pulmanologist who gave me a shot of a steroid after wich I improved quite a bit, but not 100%. it's been nearly a week since the shot and I'm still having problems.

Of course, I'm worried it's something fatal. I'm sure everything short of a paper cut is cancer. It's wearing me out. Anyone else experience this before.

Thanks in advance.


11-01-10, 16:24
if docter thinks ok i shouldnt worry remember betterup than down