View Full Version : im really worried about lymphoma

11-01-10, 21:47
Im new to this thing but ive been on here before in the past when ive felt down or been worrying,

basically ive had a lump on the right side of my neck for a while (sure its a lymph node) and its hard and doesnt move....good old google says i probably have lymphoma..

i've been to the doctors and she didnt seem worried but sent me for a FBC (full blood count) which i had today..

NOW i have to wait until thursday to have my appointment and see if the blood tests came back normal

im soo soo soo worried and upset and scared of the outcome.

i know what will be, will be..and everything but i dunno how to calm down and just relax im just so scared.



11-01-10, 21:59
I think when we have lumps and bumps we tend to prod and poke at them and actually make them bigger - I know I've done this!! And remember, most lumps are harmless. We anxiety sufferers just like to wind ourselves up and think it's got to be the worst possible scenario and see ourselves almost being given the last rites!!! And it's almost never the worst, it's usually something simple which I'm sure this will be. Please try to relax a wee bit, there's as much chance it'll be an innocent swollen gland:yesyes:

11-01-10, 22:02
thanks for replying!!

i need to relax but i just cant stop thinking about everything :(
and google never helps..always points to the word cancer with things.
I'm 18 and i shouldnt be thinking soo deeply about things but ive just got into a habit of it :(


11-01-10, 22:05
I know it's really difficult but honestly, it doesn't always have to be cancer. It's just as likely to be something completely innocent. We've all got lumps n bumps we don't even know anything about. I bet it's something simple:hugs:

12-01-10, 04:55
Try 'less likely' to be cancer. The problem with using the internet as your doctor, is that the internet is filled with tonnes of articles describing the most interesting and devastating causes of illness. This is the nature of the internet. Please remember the first thing about lymph nodes - regardless of what else is written across the internet - they swell fro many reasons, mostly to do with infection.

We, non-doctors, are not able (as much as we'd like to think we are) to diagnose how a lymph node feels (soft, rubbery, hard - these are subjective. Let your doctor judge.) What clinical experience do we have? None.

Your doctor sounds very capable and able to diagnose you in any case.

Please stop using the internet to search your symptoms - it's dangerous for your mental health. I have the same lymph node/lymphoma fear, but after months of continuous anxiety caused by that same need to search online, I will not use Google to feed it. I made that mistake once, and now I can't ever take that knowledge back!

12-01-10, 09:39

With lymphoma u would normally have other symptoms too.

My dad has been battling lymphoma for the past 18 months, please try not to worry coz chances are u dont have it

love mandie xx