View Full Version : Worried about sudden death

11-01-10, 22:14

I generally worry about blood clots. An extension of that is worrying about sudden death mainly to do with blood clots to brain etc. I am scared of dying and am not ready to die. I have a beautiful little girl and don't want to leave her alone.

I am so so scared and don't know what to do about it.

11-01-10, 22:24
i feel like this but about my heart. i also have a beautiful girl whos nearly 3 i dont want to leave her alone either. it scares me but its a thought i cant get out of my head. so i no how you feel if you ever want to chat feel free to message me.

gina p
11-01-10, 22:24
I feel the same way at times . I have 2 beautiful kids . One of 2 years and one of 4 months . However , the chances of us dying with a sudden clot or sudden death are slight . I try and put things in prespective and concentrate on living for my kids . The fear of leaving them overwhelms me tho and I think that is at the base of my anxiety - I love them so much . But common sense tells me to live life for them and try and banish any negative feelings as it will come across in how I relate to them .

11-01-10, 22:31
I am trying to put things in perspective, it just worries me a lot. It is something I keep focussing on and worrying.

I have had a really really rough 3 years and am emotionally drained. I am convinced I will die and every pain etc is a sign that I have seconds...sounds silly but it is in my head.

12-01-10, 01:13
It looks like we all feel the same. most symptoms seem like it could be life threatening & then we are afraid that we will die as a result & leave our kids & families behind. How can we program our mind to recognise that is anx?

12-01-10, 11:01
i am the same but mine is with my heart , i tend to binge eat when im anxious and can binge all day long so now I have started obessing on my heart an i get heart palpitations and if they last a little longer than normal it scares me , I am convinced i have heart disease .Is anyone else fed up of going to the doctors .

12-01-10, 11:04
i binge when i'm anx as well. i used to be scared of my heart but not these days. these days im fixated on other illnesses. i get palpitations sometimes too. mostly its caused by anxiety or the usual normal times like after eating or stressing out & having too much work to do. I havent had many tests done, just a few blood tests & 2 ECGs. im not bothered to do anymore cause it wont satisfy me. health anx is a problem & tests don't satisfy cause there will always be something new to worry about. so i just worry & get scared 7 miserable but i dont go to the doc anymore & i dont get tests done unless its for something simple like i need antibiotics.

12-01-10, 19:37
Everyone gets palpitations every day, we just notice them more. They can be hormonal and you are more likely to get them around your period, well that's what I found.

12-01-10, 21:01
hi guys
this has also been one of my worse fears, amongst alot more and seemed to come after haivng my children, as you have said you have beautiful children and dont want to leave them, and i think this is why we panic with the fear of this happening...
i used to walk down the street and feel like i would just drop down dead and the more i focused on it the more my panic set in etc etc am sure you know what i mean..
is the most terrifying thought i have ever felt am here to talk if anyone wants an understanding ear xx

12-01-10, 22:38
hi all,

I have this very same worry, since my mum died suddenly last year i have been plagued with gad and this heart worry problem since.
I am a single mum of 2 fantastic kids aged 16 and 15, and mum was always my support if something happened to me, now she isnt here i have made plans for my kids incase something does, i have lost 3.5 stone since my mum died but i am still overweight and do not do myself any favours by worrying about my heart, as it only makes us stress then comes the tightness and palpitations... i have now come to terms with this is all in my head and i just try to go with the flow, i know that sounds hard but just accept that it is you stressing and it doesnt seem as bad!