View Full Version : so scared

11-01-10, 22:56

well went to doctors last friday.... have'nt been for nearly 2 years, broke down told her all about anxiety, depression, not sleeping ect ect ect frist thing she asked was why I had not been to see her for last 2 years, told her i was reading self help books and also told her about this site which she never heard of before but thinks its very very good and is going to tell other's about it, she did a thyroid test, hormone test and some other test, she gave me sleeping tablets, but i made the mistake of goggleing them and didnt like what i read so have'nt been able to take them .... then got a call from a nurse today saying she would like to see me on thursday never said for what just i was refered by my doctor, the thing is i am relly hoping that the test'e come back saying there is something wrong sound's terrible but at least i would know that it's somthing:ohmy:,,,,, also over the last 2 weeks i have been having awful chest pain's and i am starting to think that there must be something wrong with my heart:shrug: and to top it all of my friend who only lives a few doors away from me called tonight to tell me she's going away for a week, im so freacked out over this as it is her i run to when i feel panicky ......... oh my heads in a spin

sorry for the rant feel i might feel a little better if i tell some one xxxxx

11-01-10, 23:04
If it's the nurse that wants to see you then I'd try not to worry about it too much - if it was really serious it'd be the doc seeing you. Chest pains might not be anything serious - stress, anxiety, tenseness, can all cause chest pains. I know it sounds silly but try to relax, as hopefully this should help the chest pain.
It's good that you went to the docs, cos now you can get more help. Re the sleeping tablets - any tablets you look up will show you things you don't like the look of, but they have to list every possible side effect. You may not even suffer from any of them, maybe you could try one tablet and see? Have you tried relaxation cds?
Do you have anyone else nearby for when your friend is away?

And you're not ranting, that's what we're all here for and it does you good to let it out :)

11-01-10, 23:11
Thanks lkenny... i think finding out my friend is going away for a week has just make me panic, my hubby is off work at the moment so i will have him here thank god but he could get called in at any time... ive no one else nearby.... i am going to buy some relaxation cds and see will they do any thing for me... i'm relly hoping that the test's show something at least then i can get some help .....

thank you for your reply

12-01-10, 02:34
From what I've read, it sounds like you have a fear of being on your own which then makes you panic. The anxiety symptoms you then experience frighten you so much that they then make you worry something will happen to you but no one will be there for you.

Therefore, every time you Know you'll be on your own you immediately begin to panic because you Know you'll start feeling those symptoms. The symptoms then surface because you've started to panic about them surfacing because they frighten you so much which then makes you fear being on your own with no one there for you.......and so on.

In other words its become a cycle. Is that right?:shrug:

If so, the tests most likely won't find anything because your symptoms are being created by your fear of being alone and your fear of the symptoms with no one there for you.

To quote you on one of your previous posts which might help you.....

Frist I want to say, Positive thinking and keeping ur self buzzie is a very good way of over coming anxiety, i have been doing soooooo well the last few months,

If you can get back to doing the above, you'll find the symptoms will ease and you'll then worry less about being alone which will then prevent the symptoms surfacing.....and so on.:hugs:

12-01-10, 12:11
Hi, I'm glad you managed to go to your doctor.

Do try taking a sleeping pill, take half if you can. I found half was strong enough for me and if you have any side effects, they'll be less severe. I've taken Temazepam and Diazepam and I found they made me feel a bit spaced out and lacking balance the next morning but they do help to slow down the thoughts in your head. A few nights decent sleep may make a big difference to your anxiety. The problems with sleeping pills come if you keep taking them and become dependent on them but in the short term they can be good.

13-01-10, 07:03
I have horrible chest pains, been to the hospital twice this month because of them. They ran all the tests they could and found nothng wrong. Anxiety is a powerful thing and can cause so many scary symptoms. They probably want to see you to talk about putting you on medication if you're willing. No worries I'm sure :hugs:

13-01-10, 17:46
From what I've read, it sounds like you have a fear of being on your own which then makes you panic. The anxiety symptoms you then experience frighten you so much that they then make you worry something will happen to you but no one will be there for you.

Therefore, every time you Know you'll be on your own you immediately begin to panic because you Know you'll start feeling those symptoms. The symptoms then surface because you've started to panic about them surfacing because they frighten you so much which then makes you fear being on your own with no one there for you.......and so on.

In other words its become a cycle. Is that right?:shrug:

If so, the tests most likely won't find anything because your symptoms are being created by your fear of being alone and your fear of the symptoms with no one there for you.

To quote you on one of your previous posts which might help you.....

Frist I want to say, Positive thinking and keeping ur self buzzie is a very good way of over coming anxiety, i have been doing soooooo well the last few months,

If you can get back to doing the above, you'll find the symptoms will ease and you'll then worry less about being alone which will then prevent the symptoms surfacing.....and so on.:hugs:


i just looked back over my post's forgot what I wrote :) it's not only the taught of been on my own tho that is a major part of my promble i'v a number of other differant symtoms going on over the last few years and i think that when the doctor went back over my file she seen that i have not had any test done so is doing these test's to rule them out.... i am hoping that something does show up I now that sounds strange but it will be an answer... if they show nothing I will just have to accpect that its the way i am and try deal with it.... i just find it hard because it's a constant thing even when i feel ok it's like it's there under my skin bubbleing away waiting to pop... my friend is gone now 2 days and i do feel like im ok.. just night time is wrose dont know why.... my appointment is tommorow and im looking forward to it... if anything i be able to talk to the nurse and get some advice

thanks so much for ur replie

take care:blush::blush: