View Full Version : A new worry for me - headaches/numbness in face

12-01-10, 01:44

This is a new worry for me - of course stupid me has googled and I am sure I have a brain tumour/anuerism or some deathly disease.

I have had a headached today on the right side of my head (around and above my eye/forhead area) and a numbness/tingly feeling from my jaw up to the headache.

I have had a few of these lately on and off. I have a new baby and two toddlers and thought it may be from tiredness/lack of sleep but I got a good 8 hours sleep last night and I still have this headache this morning.

I thought it could have been a tension headache, but everything I read says you get this on both sides and I am definitely only having this on one side - always the same side.

Yesterday I had the numbess/pins and needles type feeling in the same area with out the headache. When I woke this morning I was fine, it is just something that has come on through the course of the morning.


12-01-10, 02:13
I have had this before and it is all anxiety related. I too have googled and thought I had a brain tumor but as it turns out it was all anxiety. Do some breathing exercises and just try and relax. This works for me at times.

12-01-10, 02:24
I have something similar. I have this tingling numb sensation on my right temple, sometimes right cheekbone too. Sometimes it is also accompanied by sharp pains on the same side and it scared me too. I really wanted to get an MRI but neuro said it is stress related. So all I have to do is believe him lol


12-01-10, 03:13
Hi, you sound like me i have tingling in the face and jaw,also in my head,which is bl..dy awful at times,but i know it is all anxiety related,as i have had ct scans,mri's and nerve tests and of course all came back negative.Please don't worry try and take some time out for you.........take care:)

12-01-10, 10:45
Could be more migraine related. Migraines can produce temporary paralysis and are generally one sided.

Re. tension headaches being one sided. I've get them ALOT (!) and know they're caused by muscle tension. Therefore logically I'm thinking surely it depends what muscles are tense as to how the pain is felt?!

If it continues, and you're worried, go and see your GP. I would...and have done in the past. Take care x