View Full Version : Help please help

12-01-10, 09:46
I am sitting at my desk at work and I feel like I'm about to have an attack right now. I feel nautious and cannot think straight I am shaking and my stomach really aches. Feel like my heart/breathing is going to go wrong although it isn't.

Am supposed to be flying out to see my parents on Saturday, just got notice that the payment I made for coach tickets to the airport was rejected I have 4 days to get £70 and I don't know how I am going to manage it! Can't contact parents because they have no phone right now.

Am trying to ground myself taking stock of everything around me but people at work keep needing to speak to me don't want them to know I am struggling

12-01-10, 10:04
Sorry you are feeling so bad. Don't know if I can help much as I am panicking myself at the moment and trying to calm down by coming on here. I wanted you to know that someone was listening to you.
Could you go to the toilet or something to get you away for a few minutes so you could try to relax with some deep breathing?
Also is there a friend who would maybe lend you the money? Do your parents have a neighbour or friend who you could contact and ask to give a message to your parents to phone you?
Hope you get something sorted out.

12-01-10, 10:34
Thank you for replying. I am feeling a bit calmer now - it is still bubbling there under the surface but I think I am riding it.

Thank you for your suggestions as well. My partner is looking to see what we own that we can sell and I will ask some friends if I can borrow small amounts of money from them.

Unfortunately my parents live in the middle of nowhere and no one around them speaks English, so I have no other people I can contact. I am sure my friends will help though, even if they each just give me a few £ I should at least manage to get out there.

Thank you so much for being here. Just knowing there is someone listening helps a great deal. I hope you feel better too.

If you're panicking, I know the grounding technique my therapist taught me helped me a bit just now - it doesn't get rid of the feelings but sort of helps you ride over them so you don't feel like you're drowning. Look slowly around you - try and consciously slow down your body - look at each item around you and consciously think what it is - say it out loud or just in your head. Phone, PC, mouse, keyboard, spoon, cup, stapler, paper... just keep doing it, try to get slower at it and look at each thing carefully. Think what it is, name it, consider what you use it for. It just helps you get your mind back in the present. Hope that helps you too.