View Full Version : Work Pressure

12-01-10, 10:12
Has anyone had pressure from their work directly or indirectly??

I went off in December with anxiety and got referred to the works nurse the following day, my boss had put an email in asking.... why I came off my med's? why wasn't he told? and when would I be back to work?....as this in my 3rd time off with anxiety/depression at this time of year in the past 3 years.....

Went back on anti-depressants then and went back to work 2 weeks later(big mistake), I put pressure on myself to go back as i didn't want to be off again and felt indirect pressure from the email sent to the nurse.

Now on my 2nd day back off ...again...:sad:....seems I did go back too early ,tried to rush it and have knocked myself back again...........

Yesterday got brought in to see my boss and now have to go back in on Friday for another meeting (because it's me 3rd sickness in calendar year), supposed to be agreeing a plan to go forward with this i.e. getting me back to work when " I'm ready " and guidelines for the company that if I stop med's or change things then it will then go to disciplinary.


I know the company has to protect itself but feel as if they should allow some time before all this. After all if I hadn't pushed myself back early I wouldn't be on my 3rd sickness in the year(which adds up to only 16 days off in total at the moment)???????

Just want time to get myself back to normal, then think about going back to work...........all these meetings are actually stopping my recovery at the moment.

Thanks for listening.

.........and remember don't go back to work until your ready.....really ready..........