View Full Version : Hello hope i can get some help

12-01-10, 11:33
Hi everyone, I decided to join this forum because I dont think i can continue to deal with my anxiety on my own. I dont know what is wrong with me, I always feel on edge and get really worried about random things that in reality are totally fine. For example, the other week I found some slight condensation in my attic and i couldnt stop worrying about it, i felt sick to my stomach and convinced myself the roof was leaking or that i would need to replace my roof, crazy i know! I was constantly going into the attic to check it and check it and everytime i did i got more and more anxious, my heart was thumping. In the end the condensation dried up and i stopped worrying about it. That would be fine if it stopped there but when one thing turns out to be ok i jump straight to another stupid thing to worry and obsess about. In the past month or so Ive been constantly anxious about, the attic, my gas supply box, my boiler pressure, my car breaking down and cancer! It is so exhausting and I've had enough. A thought comes into my head and my heart sinks and get a knot in my stomach. Im 30 years old and have a great life and have no financial or health problems. I have a loving girlfriend and family and friends and didnt have a traumatic childhood or anything so i dont know where this is coming from.

I know this post is a bit all over the place but i hope someone can help or relate?

12-01-10, 11:35

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-01-10, 11:43
could it be you might have o c d, put ocd in search box at top here you will find others who have simler feelings ,hope this helps

12-01-10, 11:43
Hi Scotty :-) Nice to meet you, welcome to the forum :-) xx

12-01-10, 12:16
Hi Scotty.
I bet if you did some research you may find there are others in your family who also suffer anxiety. Most families don't always like to share this stuff so it's not suprising that you wouldn't know.
30 is a good age for things to suffice. Have a read through the side panel and get a good book about panic disorder / Generalized anxiety. You will learn that just like us, usually there is no apparent reason for this behaviour and alot of the time it can be put down to fatigue and perhaps a genetic link.
Don't worry yourself over this, you have done the right thing by seeking help. Soon you will understand, in the meantime just accept what your body wants to do at the moment and get plenty of rest :)

12-01-10, 14:28
Hi Scotty,

I have just joined today and when I read your post I sat and cried as its just how I feel plus I have started to have panic attacks now as well just to top it off....am 37 really happily married but am so up tight all the time and worry my god all day and night am at my wits end, its nice to know am not alone as its hard to tell anyone as you dont want to appear weak. please feel free to write to me and we can worry together, or at least laugh at our weird worries.


12-01-10, 16:23
Hi Sara, good to know I'm not the only one! My anxiety has gotten gradually worse over the past few years and its only really the past few months that I have been worried every day, I tell myself Its stupid and that if it was someone else telling me about the things i worry about i would tell them to get a grip. i tell myself to pull myself together but the thoughts creep into my head and that awful feeling of dread, i hate it. I'm hoping its more of a S.A.D. thing and will ease off in the summer. What weird things do you worry about?