View Full Version : going to see my doctor

28-11-05, 16:13
Hi all,

Well I've decided that I need a little help trying to get over these damn panic attacks.
I'm not going to explain my story again as I've already done so on the 'introduce yourself' forum, but I've been having panic attacks for about 3 weeks/a month now.[V]

As my original message explains, I've been having attacks whilst driving at night, the most scary symptom being the 'unreal' feeling. Some days I am ok- I drive home from work holding it together but only just..other days it really gets me down.

I find that the unreal feelings are worse when I'm tired, but it's a vicious circle because I've been feeling really tired since I started having panic attacks, even though I've been sleeping really well.

I've been carrying on as normal up until today- this morning on the way to work I went to fill my car with petrol and was standing there thinking ok I don't feel like I am really here- it was awful [|)]

I have decided that I'm going to the doctors tomorrow...and basically, I need to know what I can expect. I'm scared that I am going to be told to pull myself together, and that's it. Without meaning to sound stupid, I've never been to my doctor about anything like this before, so I dont know what his/her reaction will be.

I don't want to be prescribed medication that is going to knock me out or have loads of side effects because I work full time and really enjoy my job and need to be able to work, the last thing I want is to be signed off work, as I know it will make me worse. But at the same time I can't cope with feeling unreal whenever I'm tired- which seems to be quite a lot these days!

Does anyone have any advice for me for when I go to see my doctor, how should I tell him how I'm feeling without sounding like I'm nuts?!

No disrespect to anyone here but this is all really new to me.

Julia xxx

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

28-11-05, 16:48

Just tell the doctor exactly how you feel hun, If you feel awkward doing this write it down before you go,

They definatley wont think you are 'nuts' LOL, anxiety and panic are more common than you think.

I am sure the doctor will discuss different options with you, and go with what will help you the most.

Let us know how you get on mate.

Take care
Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

28-11-05, 16:52
Thank you Trace :-)
I guess I'm scared that I'm going to break down in front of the doctor, or something. As my dear Mum said earlier, 'why am I having panic attacks, I've got nothing to panic about!!' <rolls eyes> lol.

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

28-11-05, 17:04
Hi there Julia,
Welcome to this forum, I hope it helps you.
Good luck at the doctors tomorrow, you'll be fine. Don't worry about getting upset , if you do you do, it's perfectly understandable but I doubt you will. Just tell the doctor the truth about how you are feeling. Most gp's are very understanding about these issues. They may offer to run a few blood tests, don't worry if this happens, it's normal procedure. Depending on what your gp thinks they may offer you medication. It's early days though and as you haven't had panic attacks for long self help measures/natural remedies may be enough (plenty of good advice on here for this). You don't have to accept medication, it's a personal choice that you make along with your doctor. The other alternative is CBT (Cognitive behaviour therapy), this helps you look at how your thoughts contribute to how you are feeling and how to change negative thoughts to positive ones. The only downside is that there is usually a long waiting list to have this on the NHS.
Your Mum means well, it's often hard for people to understand panic/anxiety if they haven't been through it themselves.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.


28-11-05, 20:07
Hi Julie

Good luck at the docs and tell him everything i was a wreck until I went to get help. you will find a lot of support on this web site as well
