View Full Version : Can anxiety be transferred

12-01-10, 12:04

I am confused yet again and wonder if someone could help. My husband who suffers from anxiety bought me a watch for Christmas which was not the one I had chosen when out with him. When he asked if I liked it he seemed anxious to confirm it was the one I had chosen. I told him it was not the one I had chosen but really liked it. He became anxious and I did my normal rescuer/carer explaining that it didn't matter not being the one I had chosen, and I loved it all the same. He then went on to explain he thought that I had deliberately shown him a different one to the one I wanted. I for the life of me cannot understand this line of thought and am upset that he could think that of me. My heart is racing and my mind keeps on going over and over it, there are no other symptoms. Am I now anxious ???

Probably seems very trivial to most but would appreciate any advise.


12-01-10, 13:15
Hi Claire50,

I think you are just upset because your husband has said something that would never have entered your head. It doesn't mean that you will now suffer with anxiety like your husband. My husband has lived with my anxiety for years and I haven't transferred it onto him, bless him. But I know I cause him stress sometimes!
Don't worry x

12-01-10, 17:46
from my experience yes you can be anxious, but i think it's because you didn't want to hurt his feelings, anxiety and stress i believe is another form of fear, so maybe ask you self what is it that you fear?
also he has in a way blamed you for his mistake, he may not have meant it that way but was just giving his point of view.
maybe he thought you wanted a more expensive watch? thats all i can think of.
sometimes I think honesty isn't always the best policy :-(
it's like you want to be honest but you don't want the drama afterwards :-(