View Full Version : whos managed to stop smoking

12-01-10, 13:20
ok im on day 4 of the no smoking and not feeling too bad. But what worries me is will it set all that horrible depression and panick attacks off again. Any way i have decided to do it whilst on the cit as i thought it would be better than doing it as i come off the pills as well. Any pointers anyone
thanks Denise

12-01-10, 13:37
Hi Denise,

Well done on day 4!! That is brilliant.
Pointers for me were for my health, I printed of all the benefits of not smoking at all the different milestones i.e in the first 20 minutes blood pressure and pulse returns to normal.....8 hours.....24 hours...etc etc!!
I have been a non smoker for three years (In February!) I did it cold turkey, you are doing really, really well!
Keep up the good work, I can honestly say the biggest difference is the amount of air in my lungs! :yesyes:

12-01-10, 13:43

ill keep going then. I seem to of got control of this anxiety thing so i know i can beat the weed aswell. i HAVNT DONE COLD TURKEY but only having 4 or 5 2mg lozenger things a day so that not bad for a 20 plus a day addict

12-01-10, 14:01
I haven't managed to stop yet. Well done to you though, keep it up! You shouldn't get any anxiety and depression if you're on NRT but make sure you come off it slowly.

Good luck

12-01-10, 14:10
Heyyy Well Done on deciding to quit

I also quit cold turkey February last year so nearly a year now :) It made my anxiety and panic a lot better when not smoking because when its out of your system you dont get those craving feelings every few hours that make you smoke throughout the day :) i love it!!!

It will do your mental health and your physical health so much good so keep at it and well done!!

Candy xxx

12-01-10, 14:48
Hi Denise
You're being a hero ! It is hard to quit smoking it is one of the strongest addictions ever and you're doing GREAT !!
I quit smoking cold turkey 7 years ago-I was smoking 2 packs a day. I was aware of all the health risk etc but I choose to continue smoking- stupid I know.
It wasn't until I was applying to adopt a pomeranian puppy and was given info to read about being a good guardian that I freaked out .I read an article about how cigarette smoke kills animals-especially house cats.

Apparently the second hand smoke settles on the fur of your cat-the cat then grooms herself-licking the chemicals off of her fur and directly into her bloodstream.

I WAS HORRIFIED ! I couldn't believe I had been putting my kitty cat in danger. She has been my solace in times of my extreme anxiety and agroaphobia. I felt AWFUL.

I also would not have been approved to adopt my puppy if I smoked. I quit that second. I never thought about smoking again- my little critters were more important to me.

I know you have the strength to quit smoking- you can do it !
If you feel yourself wavering PM me anytime and I'll give you a pep talk !

12-01-10, 20:18
I quit cold turkey for 10 weeks last year (after trying every patch, pill and electronic cigarette out there). My anxiety and depression went through the roof for the entire 10 weeks. Started smoking again and it helped no end. I used to smoke 20-30 a day but now manage on 6 or 7 roll ups a day and don't smoke in the house. Everyones different and I find having the odd fag is really helping me through this bad period in my life. Good luck to you in giving up.

margaret jones
12-01-10, 20:30
Denise well done i quit 21 mnths ago Cold Turkey after smoking for over 40 yrs and the latter yrs 30 a day '
What stopped me was a rushed trip to A/E ? heart attack and 2 very upset daughters and grandchildren .
It was not easy always but i never had another one from that day and even though like a alcholic one would be the start of being a smoker again .
Well done stick at it for yourself you will make it if you want to .:)

13-01-10, 22:47
Hi Denise, I am on day 1 again of quitting. Hate been back at the start but at least I am going in the right direction. I know it does help with the anxiety because I found my breathing a lot easier when quit and was not so tight in the chest. Since I started back on Christmas eve have become more focused on breathing wrong again. Grr, we will get there. Pm me if you need any support. I also found quitnet to be great in the early days for support or just time out during the day.
Best wishes

13-01-10, 23:05
Day 10 for me today. I was worried i wouldnt quit, even using nicotine gum. Ive tried so many times in the past. The last 4 days ive not even used the gum, and have not had any cravings, except after a drink or around somebody else who is smoking!

Ive read somewhere that stopping actually reduces the chances of another panic attack! It also makes your breathing easier.

I swear iv tried quitting about 15 times in the past. Cold turkey, patches, gum, inhalers...

But i think when it got to the point i realised, in 6 years of smoking, i spent 18 grand. The deposit on a house for me. Burnt, gone up in smoke, and now ash...

I agree its hard, and being only 10 days in is even worse. I feel at that point that if i could start again any minute, but id be a failure if i start!

Just keep going at it, and think of it one day at a time! Your doing great!

14-01-10, 00:08
Congrats :-) I agree with above take it one day at a time. I replaced my cigarettes with tic tacs and cups of tea (herbal/and regular) a few packets of the gum and lots of salad! Hehe. I have given up for 3 1/2 years now, and i think i get half as ill as i used to be (doesn't stop me worrying about it though hehe).
Good luck :-) xx

14-01-10, 07:45
thanks everyone

on day 6 now and doing ok. i had real dizzy spells for first 3 days but thats better now.


14-01-10, 10:36
congratulations to all that have stopped smoking. i have stopped 5 years in may :yesyes:. it is hard but well worth it. the extra money for one thing.

i stopped smoking before i sat my driving test for the fourth time and i passed, so that shows its all in your head when you need one.

just keep taking it a day at a time. x

14-01-10, 17:59
I was forced to stop during a virus because I had the kind of cough where you just cannot breath in air adequately, let alone smoke. It's been 4 weeks. I have to say I tried it before and became very depressed. Seems it's happening again as I feel much worse this week than any other week with constant weeping. Will it end?

I would love to stay smoke free

26-01-10, 17:33
hiya typer, the weeping will end, 4 weeks is great thats a whole 28 days. this is great. just keep taking it day by day, when you start to feel depressed just eat (fruit) or i will be seeing you in the diet thread lol. xx take care

26-01-10, 18:39
on day 19 now and doing ok not cheated once

26-01-10, 19:05
Hi Den

That's just brill, i know how tough it is. I went cold turkey 10 years ago, after failing with various nicotene products. The one bit of advise i'd have for you is to keep your guard up at all times. I had an urge (albeit fleeting) for a fag a few months ago. It really suprised me as i haven't smoked in so long. It only lasted a few seconds, but shows how vigilant us non smokers have to be. Remember there is no such thing as 'just one fag'. If you ever have that thought just visualise hundreds of packs lined up behind that one fag.

You're doing so well and believe me it gets easier and easier as the weeks go by. You really do get to the point when you don't asociate your cup of coffee with a fag, you just look forward to the coffee itself.

Great work...Keep it up
Love and Hugs

26-01-10, 19:10
Bexie i know how right you are i gave up before but started just having 1 a day to help my nerves and within less than a week was back on 20 a day and it didnt help my panic. Not one fag or drag else its got you again

26-01-10, 19:11
What stars you are to give up smoking ! I gave up 7 years ago, and can honestly say it was one the hardest things I've ever done, it felt like purpose had gone from my life entirely. You guys have got serious will power going on there, I am ashamed to say that I ended up addicted to nicotine gums, but they are certainly better for you than smoking.

27-01-10, 03:58
Day 6 for me at the moment and I could murder a fag. I'm on Zyban tablets which 'm concerned are making me even more depressed so I'm coming off them tomorrow. Determined to stick with it - surely I won't feel this rough forever ?

Flapjack x x

31-01-10, 19:22
Hi All,

Congrats to those who have succeeded so far, especially those who are a few years in! I gave up on Christmas Day and am just about hanging in there. My Chiropractor thought it might be making my nerves worse as it's a stimulant so I have to give it a good try at least to see if it helps.

I'm using an electronic cigarette and cut down gradually until i finally stopped analogues on Christmas day. I just cut out nicotine too now and am really struggling with anxiwty and depression. Any tips??