View Full Version : Struggling again

12-01-10, 14:12
Over Christmas i started to feel ok and felt like i was starting to feel better but now im back to square one :weep:

Im hardly eating, i can't sleep, my mind is racing and im scared of dying.

I went to the doctors today and he has upped my dose of Citalopram by 10mgs but i have been on Citalopram for nearly 6 years now and i don't think that this will do anything to help, prehaps i have been on anti-depressants for too long now and my body has just got used to it so its not working anymore.

Im sick of feeling like this :weep:

12-01-10, 14:38

Sorry u are feeling so bad at the moment.

Maybe u could ask your dr to change your medication. i was on citalopram, but after about 4 years they stopped working for me so i got changed to sertaline.

Are u having any counselling?

mandie x

12-01-10, 14:40
Hi mandi, thank you for the reply.

I am starting an anxiety management group next month, i don't know if this will help or not.

My mind seems to be overwealmed by bad thoughts.

12-01-10, 17:48
after six years and it's still not working! I think maybe talk to your doctor .
Just because I tried Lustral and noticed a huge improvement very fast.
But had to stop taking it because it was giving me the shakes :-(
but antidepressants don't always work for everyone but I do think it's a good idea to try a few out to see of you can find one that works for you.