View Full Version : could do with a little reassurance please - new symptoms

12-01-10, 15:16
not been on here in a while as i seemed to be doing better but for the past few days i've been getting a bit worse.
feel quite spacey as though ive not had enough sugar along with a headache not really painful just annoying. also had aches in my neck, arms and groin. feels like someone pinching me. and general tiredness.
are these just new anxiety symptoms or something more serious. never had the aches and pains before so really worried.

any advice would be very much appreciated


12-01-10, 16:13
Hi Katy,
How you have descibed is exactly how ive been feeling for about 3 days now. And as you descibe a feeling of not having enough sugar, thats exactly how i descibed it to my partner yesterday. I was thinking it was just a few new sypmtoms of anxiety, but i suppose it could also be some sort of bug or virus?
Hope you feel better soon, take care,

Love Debs xx