View Full Version : Ouch!!!

12-01-10, 16:26

I posted last week about a pain in the right side of my back (kidney area) which went away for a few days except the odd twinge.

Today its come back with vengeance and it feels like i have an elephant stamping on me. What is this?? I dont think its a water infection as I dont have any other symptoms (stinging, diarorreah, or pain when I go to the loo or blood in urine.) so scared and v tempted to ring NHS direct.

I have booked the docs for Fri but dont know if i can wait that long unless the pain subsides.

I heard appendicitis could be a cause - if it is what if it explodes???

Help me please.

12-01-10, 16:44
Ring Nhs direct, if anything to put your mind at rest do you have a walk in clinic where you live?

12-01-10, 16:50
No unfortunately. I keep trying to call my aunt as she always suffers with kidney infections lol

Pain is so uncomfortable I want to cry :(

12-01-10, 18:05

Im not an expert on apendicitis but I think usually the pain can either start around the naval area and move to the lower right abdomen, or it can begin and stay around the lower right abdomen. You mentioned your pain is at your back so Im not sure if it would be appendicitis...but like I said Im def not an expert on the matter. If you dont have a drop in clinic nearby maybe you could ring the GP and ask for an emergency appointment for tomo if the pain is realli bad. Hope u feel better :)


12-01-10, 18:07
Hi Lauren, i had a kidney infectiona a long time ago, but only symptom i had was severe back pain, couldnt get out of bed.
If you are in a lot of pain and it sounds like you are, give nhs 24 a ring and ask for advice, cos its a while to friday and your appointment with your Gp.

Hope you start to feel better soon

P x

12-01-10, 19:04
Could be a kidney infection because the pain is not going away.
ask the doc if you need to bring a urine sample with you.
For UTI's I bring one and they test it there and then.

13-01-10, 15:26
Thanks to all that replied to me.

Called NHS Direct and they said to keep taking pain killers. Thinking it was UTI i drank a carton of cranberry juice last night. Seems to of helped today but now inherited sharp throbbing in the same area moving toward the front.

Looking forward to docs on friday!

Thanks again!