View Full Version : 1st big Panic Attack?

12-01-10, 16:31
Hi all

Ive not been on for a while as my anxiety had improved alot once my thyroid condition was treated. I returned to work last week after 11 months maternity leave and was doing great....well thought I was.

I was sat at my desk when I suddenly started to feel breathless, I tried to ignore it but it carried on and I suddenly started to feel as though I was going to pass out with this strange feeling coming over me and thought I was dying or something. It was so strong that I didn't know what to do. My friend got me a glass of water and it started to ease slowly into a hot feeling going through my body and into my shoulders and back of my neck. It took a while for me to feel right and I felt drained after it all. I went to the doctors and he checked me over and said it sounded like a panic attack. I think I just want to hear how others feel to put my mind at ease.

Last year after having a baby I have experienced lots of anxiety symptoms and have been on Clomipramine for about four months, previously I was on Citalopram but had to stop as it raised my prolactin.

I used to regularly get the adrenalin rushes into my stomach and the stomach flipping but nothing like what happened yesterday. I thought I was doing well so feel a bit down now and nervous of when it will strike again.

Does it sound like a panic attack????


13-01-10, 01:20
Hey Seren!
I am so sorry but I don't have an asnswer for you,I have a similar question.
It happened 4 months ago first time,we went out with my husband. I was in a car,and I felt terrible in a minute,I had a terrible stomach ache,I was sweating however I felt very cold,I was shaking and couldn't breath. The worst - and most embarrasing part - was when I had to go to the loo STRAIGHT AWAY. I mean at that minute. We had to stop at a petrol station in the middle of nowhere.
This happened 4 times after that in the past 4 months,and only when we went out. For me - I am not a psychologist - it looks like it's kind of nervousness or fear from going out which is very strange for me because I love party,I've been always a party person. I have moved to Bolivia a year ago,but it still doesn't explain anything.
Please help,because of this,my social life is absolutely zero,I fear so much that I do not dare to go out,making other people's night terrible as well as mine.
Thank you so much.

13-01-10, 01:34
Hi Seren
This sounds similar to what I experience when driving. For no apparent reason I become short of breath and feel as though I am going to pass out and start sweating. Thoughts of "I'm going to Die" go through my head. I have to pull over. I find what helps is having a drink of water (always carry a water bottle with me), get out of the car and walk around. After a minute or two I'm good to go.

I've always been a confident driver, in fact used to race stock cars. I'm not sure why this happens to me now, I've had no recent accidents or scares while driving and it doesn't happen all the time. That's anxiety for you.

Take care

16-01-10, 21:30
HI Seren,

It seems what you had was what I call a full blown. Maybe all your attacks before this one were mild. I get full blowns all the time. I get the exact same symptoms as you. The hot feeling through my body, faintness to name a few. Did you say this started after giving birth? Mine did too eight years ago when I had my daughter. I have been having these for a really long time and after thousands and thousands of them and eight years later I am just realizing that there not gonna kill me although they are still scary every time. You just have to learn coping skills and In my case i have had to learn how to kind of change my way of thinking. My thoughts were totally fueling my attacks, the mind is a very powerful thing.

Best wishes Tina

16-01-10, 22:52
hi all
i have exactly the same symptoms, i first got them after having my little boy 12 years ago which they then said were anxiety attacks, i went on meds seroxat and they went, then they reared their ugly head 5 yrs ago when i too developed and overactive thyroid, had them ever since sometimes full blown like the other day some times mild, i put mine down to hormones as i only seem to get them round about my period time.
they are very frigtening ut im still alive i know they wont kill me, i tell mine off!! sounds daft but i try to go with them and they seem to go quicker.
the doctor told me its adreline rushes.

18-01-10, 11:01
Thanks everyone. Its nice to know that your not alone and hear about what others experience. Its such a frightening feeling and being so new to it all since the birth of baby makes it difficult to understand at the moment. Its hard to believe that anxiety can cause so many physical symptoms.
This site is such a help. Dont know what i'd do without it....and medication!! :-)
