View Full Version : New to motherhood, second time round with extreme anxiety!!

12-01-10, 16:48
A very good friend of mine intoduced me to this site and i have found it really helpful. After a couple of months of just looking and reading I'm finally brave enough to do my own post!

I had my first 'episode' of anxiety and panic attacks about eight years ago, but recovered quickly with the help of great friends and family. Then four months ago I had gave birth to my wonderful son. The birth was verytraumatic and since then I have had constant anxiety and an overwelling fear that I will die and leave my son. I get palpitations, shortness of breath, wierd surges etc. I have no bonding issues with my son, just a shed load of guilt that I not good enough! I also feel like I've spoilt things for my husband too.

It would be great to hear from other mums, as at the mo I feel like I'm the only one in the world not coping well and everyone else judging me!

I have to say tho, with the help of a great Gp, husband, family and amazing friends I'm just starting to feel human again - I'm sure even the bad days are getting better!

Becky xx

p.s. sorry for the waffle.

12-01-10, 16:51
Hi Bettyboo81

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes