View Full Version : I cured my anxiety/panic!!

12-01-10, 18:22
I have suffered with depression, severe anxiety and full blown panic attacks for years. Ive been reading alot of self help books and I was convinced it was due to negative thinking.

I have taken meds before that resulted in nasty side effects and drugged up like feeling, this wasn't for me, I needed a natural way to help my condition.

For the last 3 weeks I have listened to hypnosis recordings and also I had 2 sessions from a hypnothearpist, I feel that I'm thinking more positve thoughts and the negative thought patterns are quickly fading.

Positive affirmations are working wonders, you have to start talking to your self in a positive loving way and sure enough you start to find an inner peace...

With this also I have been doing Qigong training, its simialr to tai chi, its basicly an ancient form of moving meditation. Do a search on youtube for training videos..

I was agoraphobic a few months back, i was so on edge about leaving the house, now I cant wait to interact with people and get back to work!!!

There is hope!

Veronica H
12-01-10, 18:25
:yesyes: So pleased that this is working for you and thanks for sharing this.


12-01-10, 18:47
I would like to add aslo caffeine is very bad for anxiety, I switched to Chamomile tea, its fantastic for calming your nerves, I must drink about 5+ a day. Wasn't keen on the taste at first but now I love the stuff!!

12-01-10, 19:20
Good to know that things are working out for you, Steve. Keep up the good work! :)

Lion King
12-01-10, 19:50
Well Done Steve,

Positive thinking all the way, nothing is gained by thinking negatively we just have to retrain our brains to think in a more positive way.

Keep up the good work!!!


12-01-10, 19:53
Great stuff Steve! Will check out YouTube for some of them training vids,


12-01-10, 20:24
well done Steve, you must be over the moon.

Some helpfull info on what worked for you.
Im staying away from meds, so am up for any other ideas that may help.

12-01-10, 20:48
Thanks for the comments.

The mind is extremely powerful, our thoughts create our feelings, if we change our perception to a more positive one, we can view the world as an exciting place rather a world of doom and gloom..

I was causing my illness by negative thinking, only you can change your self..

12-01-10, 20:59

This is a simple qigong exercise, its very effective at calming your mind.

12-01-10, 21:13
im thinking of hypnosis, ive been virtually housebound for 4 years does it work? what do they do? scared a bit.

12-01-10, 22:27
im thinking of hypnosis, ive been virtually housebound for 4 years does it work? what do they do? scared a bit.

I listen to hypnosis recordings everynight, its so relaxing. The hypnothearapist gets you to relax your mind and body and then starts to reprogramme your mind with positive suggestions and beliefs. Over time you will start using the new positive beliefs and apply them to your life.

There is absolutely nothing to worry about, I reccomend getting an mp3/personal cd player and downloading or buying a good hypnosis cd and listen to it as much as possible.

You are housebound because your fear is controlling you, with hypnosis and positive affirmations you can eliminate the fear, I promise you.

I was in a right state not long ago but pulled myself out of it, there are tons of information online on these subjects.

13-01-10, 01:05
thanks steve. i will look what hypnosis cds have you tried?
denise x

13-01-10, 02:43
Amazing story!

13-01-10, 08:37
That's good to hear Steve.:)

Caffeine is a no-no for me too so I'm also a camomile tea fan.

13-01-10, 09:06
Full Hypnosis downloads.. (You need to use bit torrent software to download these) Doesn't cost a penny.

http://www.utorrent.com/ If you dont know what bit torrents are, download this 1st have a read on the site then download the following.




Some good youtube videos:-

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYCamVx4fSQ a bit cheesy, but some good info on positive thinking

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xd8aTtgs33w positive attitude tips

25-01-10, 14:38
hi steve, great post, but i downloaded the hypno the first one, and i have had hypno and had all my sessions recored and listern to them every now ant then, well the the first on your list hes talking over him self , and ive not had that be fore, and stopped listerning to it ,as it freaked me out abit, do u feel like that , im scared it gong to confuse me, have u listerned to it alot?

25-01-10, 21:19
Wow well done steve!! Really happy for you.
I'm listening to Paul Makenna Cd's and been feeling great!! It's true, we have to know how to talk to ourselves so we can get what we want in life.

Cat :)

27-01-10, 13:03
Great story, I bought the book by Louise Hay and it is all about postive affirmations. I now just need to get to the place where I believe in myself. Well done to you!

09-08-10, 17:58
I have just started qigong. And I feel that its helping me. I also "greet the sun" (yoga stands)

10-08-10, 09:56
Hey Steve.
Thanks for sharing. After reading your post I had a look into hypnotherapy and have ordered a book and cd. Hopefully this will help improve my situation.
Thanks again, I hope things continue to go well for you.
Take care.
